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HARPER POV(narrative)

Ever since Reneé and Harper's hang out, they have frequently been hanging out more and more. Harper thought the more it'd be cold, the more she's allowed to wear hoodie's to cover her growing bump; well that's not true. Summer was coming soon, which meant shorts and tank tops, and the artist knew by that time she'd be larger. 

Harper sighed in frustration as she rummaged through her closet, trying to find a pair of shorts that would comfortably fit over her growing baby bump. As clothes scattered across her room, Harper couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and anxiety about their upcoming hangout with Reneé.

Her and Reneé planned to hang out at the dock near the beach, and the suns out, so it will be very hot. 

Feeling overwhelmed by the ticking clock, Harper sank to the floor, surrounded by the chaotic mess of clothes. Frustration and exhaustion washed over her, and she couldn't help but let out a loud groan, releasing her pent-up stress into the pile of fabric.

Taking a deep breath, Harper closed her eyes, allowing the frustration to wash over her and then dissipate. She reminded herself that panicking wouldn't solve anything and that she needed to focus on finding a solution.

Well, that was until Reneé texted her, she sighed and sat up before grabbing the phone. Harper opened her message app and went to read the message.


RAY RAY 🎤: hey! I'm gonna be there in 8 minutes. Hope you're ready. 
seen at 12:56 pm 

 yeah, i'm so ready. I'll see you soon :Harpy 🖌
read at 12:57 pm

Harper was in fact not ready. 

As Harper set her phone aside, she knew she had to kick into high gear. She darted around her room, grabbing the essentials she needed for their outing. Snatching a sunhat from a hook on her door, she placed it on her head to shield herself from the bright rays.

With a renewed sense of urgency, Harper hurriedly slipped on a pair of comfortable sandals and grabbed her bag, stuffing it with sunscreen, a water bottle, and a few snacks. Glancing once more at the mirror, she took a deep breath and reminded herself that she was doing her best.

"Hi, beautiful." Reneé says, with a huge smile on her face as Harper opens the apartment door, "You ready to head out?" She asked, god those eyes would make Harper melt every time.

"I am if you are, also I'm feeling a little sick so if I throw up, don't be worried. Okay?" Harper tells the blonde, trying to make sure if she has sickness of any sudden, Reneé wouldn't question it.

Two girls, one mistake| Reneé RappWhere stories live. Discover now