Chapter 37

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Nanny: It hurts me a lot that you and Khun Zee have broken up, my boy... but maybe everything will be solved with time... (She says with a mini smile while arranging the omega's bed so that he can sleep) You calm down, you will see that very soon you will be together, you love each other very much and everything will be solved soon, don't you think so? (She asks happy, but the omega inside the bathroom doesn't answer) Saint?... Is everything okay?... Saint? (She asks very worried and she is very surprised when she opens the bathroom door) SAINT, HOLY GOD!!! (She screams very scared)

Duangkamol: What's happening?!! (He asks very shocked)

Phatchara: SAINT!!! (She screams very surprised when she sees blood coming out of her son's wrists and a knife next to him)

Nanny: He told me that he was going to take a bath... I didn't hear him close the door... forgive me for being so careless... (She says while crying non-stop)

Phatchara: It's not your fault, Nanny... he's very upset because N'Zee is no longer by his side... (She says while trying to calm her housekeeper down)

Phimchanok: That's it! We have to bring N'Zee and try to reason with him and I know the right person for this job (She says with a confident tone of voice)

Duangkamol: Who? (He asks very confused)

Phimchanok: Oh brother-in-law... I'm talking about Tommy, he can help us very well, I'm going to call him... (She says very confidently and leaves the room)

Phatchara: I'll go call an ambulance (She says very agitated and she also leaves the room)

Duangkamol: Where the hell did this knife come from? (He asks very angry)

Nanny: Don't wonder where, Sir... but who put it there... (She says while she holds the omega in her arms)

Duangkamol: Baifern... (He says full of anger towards his daughter)


Tommy: Saint Did What?!! (He asks very distressed) Yes, of course, I will go for him myself and take him to the hospital immediately... thank you very much for letting me know... (He says very worried and hangs up the call)

Jimmy: Who was it? (He asks confused)

Tommy: Mrs. Phimchanok... Saint tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrists, now they are trying to save him and his family asked me to take P'Zee to the hospital to talk to him and make him come to his senses so that he can return to Saint (He says very agitated as he prepares to leave)

Jimmy: I'm going with you, we are the future saviors of the story of Saint and P'Zee and therefore, I must go with you (He says very convinced)

Tommy: Well... I have no choice... Let's go... (He says not very sure and they both go for the alpha)

In a single day so many bad things had already happened, Zee and Saint broke up, Baifern mocked her own brother's pain, she committed her first murder and now this, but worse things can happen. Jimmy and Tommy arrived at the alpha's apartment in a hurry, the omega managed to open the door without any problem since he had a copy of the main key and as soon as they entered, the alpha noticed that he was thinking something strange:

Tommy: P'Zee, wake up!! Your beloved "Little Star" tried to take his own life and your presence is needed to help him (He says very serious, but the alpha doesn't answer him anything) P'Zee, this is not a joke, wake up right now, please (He says very stressed)

Jimmy: Tommy... (He says very worried)

Tommy: Not now, Jimmy... P'Zee, Wake Up!! (He says as he starts to get angry)

Jimmy: Tommy, P'Zee's not asleep, look! (He screams very scared and points to the completely empty pill bottles)

Tommy: Oh no... (He says surprised and when removing the sheet over the alpha, he discovers more empty pill bottles) Call an ambulance... (He says without being able to believe that the alpha also tried to commit suicide)

The alpha was immediately taken to the hospital to have his stomach pumped, while the omega's wounds on his wrists were being saturated:

Jimmy: There they are... (He says while pointing to the family of the omega he has as a friend)

Duangkamol: Where is Zee? (He asks very worried)

Tommy: He also tried to commit suicide by taking a large amount of pills... (He says very distressed)

Jimmy: Right now they are washing his stomach... (He says very sadly)

Phatchara: The situation is worse than we thought... (She says full of pain) But who wants to see them this way?... (She says very hurt)

Reporter: Attention Dear Viewers, we are in front of a house on the outskirts of the city, where the murder of 2 men has just been carried out, apparently the murderer killed them with a shot directly to the heart and from what the police reviewed, recently there was a kidnapped person in this house, but no matter how much they check, there is no third body in the area, we will bring you more information very soon! (He says very serious and finishes his report)

Jimmy: A kidnapping?... Maybe they were the ones who kidnapped Saint (He says very surprised)

Phimchanok: But to our bad luck, they are dead and we will never be able to find out who hired them to do such a crime... (She says very disappointed)

Meanwhile, in the recovery room:

🧠Zee: Forgive me, My Little Star... but I can't stand it... if you're not by my side, I feel like I'm going to die... but it's better this way... maybe now you can be safe...🧠

🧠Saint: If My Koala is not by my side, how can I be safe?... The only thing I may have is pain and darkness in my life again... why do you blame yourself for something that you didn't do?... Why?...🧠

I'm not crying, you are crying... well... we are all crying😭😭😭

Hello my beloved readers, maybe on Friday I will do a special two chapters to compensate for Monday's. Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote and comment, God bless you, I LOVE YOU!!!💛💜💛💜

I'm thinking about making a Thai version of this story, should I do it or not? Tell me in your comments💬

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