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In every relationship, especially when two people have grown close, there is a moment when the fear of losing the other person fills you with dread. Not a mild dread, but a dread that takes over your whole being.

To meet someone you connect with emotionally, intellectually and physically is extremely unlikely. It's this fact that makes the anticipation of loss so much harder.

This was going through Alek's mind as she moved her head between Steve's legs, towards his flacid penis. She had an urge to suck - not for sexual reasons - but for comfort. She wanted to suck to pacify her, and also sucking would make Steve know that she needed him, like a child needs their mother. She wanted him to know how much she needed him, how much happiness he had brought her. She wanted, in the act of sucking hard, for him to know how scared she was of losing him.

She opened her mouth and put her lips around the tip of his cock. She lay her head on her side so she could relax her neck. "Daddy," she whispered, "baby suck on daddy's dummy now."

"Darling," Steve said sleepily, "comfort yourself on daddy's dummy."

Steve knew in the back of his mind that this wasn't a sexual act. He knew that she didn't intend to suck him off. He knew instinctively that she needed comforting, and that sucking on his soft penis was what she needed.

He lay, half awake, with Aleks gently slurping his cock. He moved his hand to her head and started to stroke her hair.

"It's OK sweetie. Daddy's here."

Aleks looked up from between Steve's legs and smiled. In this moment, as she felt his floppy cock on her warm tongue, she felt as if he would never leave her. How could he? He needed her as much as she needed him.

As any daddy in a DDLG relationship will understand, being needed by your babygirl is what fuels the relationship. The need is matched by an unparalleled outpouring of affection and care by the daddy. It's more intense than a 'normal' relationship. The need to show a deep love and paternal care grows with age. For Steve, especially because of the difficulties he had with his own daughter, this need was felt more strongly than most.

As she sucked gently on his penis, Steve felt an overwhelming feeling of contentment. In this act of mutual need, he felt secure in his relationship with Aleks.

Only a week into their relationship, and out of a deep insecurity, Steve had asked Aleks how many other daddies she was with. He tried to ask in a nonchalant way, as if he didn't really mind, but really he was desperate for her to say she didn't have anyone but him.

Entirely truthfully, Aleks had replied "You're the only one. I'm loyal, daddy. Loyalty means a lot to me. If I'm with someone, they're the whole world to me."

It was exactly the answer Steve had wanted to hear, and he hoped it was true.

As the weeks went past, she spent all her free time with Steve, and he began to see those words lived out. She did nothing but call him and message him. Every spare moment she was with him.

Aleks, though, felt much more insecure. As she rolled Steve's glans around the front of her mouth she felt a panic start to set in. How could he want to be with her? She was young and immature. She was needy and too chatty. She overthought everything and lacked self confidence. She had so many flaws, so many unattractive characteristics. Her breathing started to quicken as the panic welled up inside her. As she panicked more and more she started to suck Steve's cock deep into her mouth. She closed her mouth tight around him and sucked and slurped like a hungry baby. With the growing panic and the faster and faster sucking, Aleks started to cry. Not just a small cry, but sobs. Her tears dropped onto Steve, soaking his pubic hair.

"Baby. Sweetheart. What's wrong?"
By now, Aleks's sobbing was uncontrollable. She stopped sucking and threw herself at Steve. Her arms wrapped around his back and she held on tightly. Her tears were rolling down her face and onto his chest. Her breasts were squashed hard against his body.

"Darling. Tell me what's wrong. Please."

Steve hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head.

"It's OK baby. It's OK."

Between sobs that came from a raw and deep place, Aleks managed a few words.

"I'm so scared..."

Aleks's shoulders were shrugging up and down with her tears, and she struggled to finish her sentence.

"...of losing you."

"Poppet, I'm not going anywhere. I need you as much as you need me. I don't want anything to change. I'm here for you. Darling, I need you. My life is complete with you. I've never felt this depth of happiness before with anyone."

As Steve kept speaking, so it calmed Aleks. She loved the sound of his voice, and his words were reassuring. Her sobs gradually subsided, but she didn't let go of Steve. She needed to feel his arms around her, to feel the connection between them.

Steve leant back slowly on the bed, as Aleks clung on to him. They moved into a snuggling position, and Steve continued stroking her hair. He looked in her teary eyes and used a thumb to wipe the tears from her cheeks.

In that moment, Steve understood that Aleks's loyalty was real because it was rooted in a fear of loss, a deep insecurity and a need for validation. Her vulnerability triggered the deepest sense of care and affection that he had felt since they met. He pulled her naked body close against his, pushed her head gently between his neck and shoulder, and they both fell into a deep comforting sleep.

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