The older man

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In the state of bliss that Aleks felt after cumming, and while Steve still slept next to her, she began to think about why she liked older men so much.

She glanced over at Steve's naked body, spread across the bed she had slept in since childhood. This was the bed she had grown up in. The mattress had adapted to the changes in her growing body, absorbed the blood from her first period; her pillows had been the submissive partner in the exploration of her developing sexuality.

Aleks looked at the back of Steve's head. Below his grey-black hairline he had a fluffy neck. Every time he had his haircut the barber shaved his neck, but the soft hair quickly grew back. She thought about how his lack of concern about it revealed something that seemed true of older men. They were comfortable in their own bodies. More than that, they were confident. A younger man would have shaved their neck regularly, afraid that the lack of a clean hairline would be off putting to a potential mate. Aleks looked again at Steve's neck and wanted to run her fingers through the soft hair on it. She didn't find it messy or unattractive. To her it was a symbol of his self confidence.

She felt so young in his presence, and lacking in her own self confidence. Aleks only ever saw imperfections when she looked in the mirror. She wanted to scratch out the tiny acne scars on her forehead, and push her nose into her skull to make it smaller. Somehow the complete acceptance of his apperance that Steve showed comforted her and made her stronger. She felt able to see herself in a more positive light just by being in his presence. He made her forget about the imperfections that dominated her vulnerable mind.

Steve rolled over in his sleep onto his back. The sheet that was covering him fell lightly onto the floor, and it left him completely exposed.

Aleks looked at his torso. It was covered in greying hair, but it wasn't uniformly spread across his body. It formed a soft mat across his chest and around his tummy button, but the rest was in patches. Again, she marvelled at how this didn't bother him.

Her eyes glanced down to his pelvis. His soft cock was flopped over to one side, revealing his hairy balls. His pubic hair was thick and dark. It had none of the grey that was on the rest of his body. Little curly swirls of black hair covered his inside thighs too. Contemplating the abundance of hair all over his body made Aleks shiver with excitement. It represented his pure manliness. There was no boy present in her bed. He was all man. He had left the boy behind long ago. All that was left was 100% man. There was a man in her childhood bed. Just a few hours earlier he had been fucking her and pumping cum into her tight pussy. Her stomach jumped in excitement as she thought about that.

Aleks realised that Steve had probably never shaved anywhere other than his face. He had just let the testosterone do its thing and let his hair grow wherever it liked. A younger guy would have manscaped to keep everything looking neat and trim. Despite doing everything she could to make herself look perfect, she hated it when men tried to do the same. It screamed to her of a lack of perspective, of immaturity, of insecurity and narcissism.

Aleks thought that a young guy would probably arrange his cock so that it rested in the middle of his balls, even in his sleep. She loved Steve's utter acceptance of his body.

Older men arrived in their 40s fully formed, they'd passed through the insecurities of childhood, adolescence and the attempt at maturity in the 20s and 30s. Aleks felt that it was only when a guy reached at least 40 that he was a man. Steve had so much testosterone that she thought she could see the grey-black bristles of his short beard being pushed out of his cheeks in front of her eyes.

It wasn't just Steve's appearance that she found attractive. She felt secure in his presence, and his confidence made her feel confident. She felt that on her bed was an entire encyclopedia of knowledge, formed from Steve's five decades on the planet. He had experienced so much and learnt such a lot. She felt like no situation could faze him. When she talked to him about her problems he spoke with such wisdom.

The only time he ever seemed ill at ease was when she talked openly about her periods. She'd noticed that he didn't readily find words to say when she told him she'd seen a speck of brown in her panties. He would look at her, and a moment would pass before he would say anything. A slightly nervous "OK," was generally all he could find to say. This didn't bother Aleks, though, as she thought it was probably a generational thing. It seemed normal to her to talk about periods - to girls and guys - but she guessed it hadn't been like that for Steve.

All these thoughts were floating across her mind, until her eyes rested again on Steve's soft cock. She had an irresistible urge to move towards it with her open mouth. Aleks never admitted this to anyone, but she much preferred the idea of putting a soft cock into her mouth, rather than a hard one.

Steve stirred, and rolled over to face Aleks. He opened his eyes as much as he could, but it was bright and he'd been sleeping for hours. Through narrow eyes he saw Aleks looking at him, and he smiled. "Good morning princess," were his first words.

"Good morning daddy," beamed Aleks. She was glad he had woken up. "Daddy, your babygirl needs her dummy."

Sleepy Steve was a little confused, until he saw her look down at his crotch and move slowly towards him.

"Don't move, Daddy, and don't touch. Your little girl needs to suckle."

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