Chapter 8

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Akooza looked back at Elyk and put his pointer finger up to his own cheek pressing it against it in confusion. "Elyk, are you okay?" Akooza chirped, confused. Elyk sighed loudly.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Just hard to understand you and the world you came from," Elyk said with a smile.

"Oh! That's fine! Well show me more of this phone you speak of!" Akooza shouted a large smile on his face. Elyk sighed,

"Fine, I'll explain how to use the phone." Elyk held the phone while speaking. "You click on the apps, and the buttons on the side turn up and down the volume," Elyk instructed. He then handed the phone to Akooza slowly. Akooza wrapped his fingers around the phone and looked down at it.

"Woah… it looks cool," Akooza whispered. He shifted his gaze up to Elyk and handed the phone back. "Here you can have it back but can you get me my own?" Akooza spoke happily. His eyes sparkled and he stared at Elyk with puppy dog eyes. Elyk took his phone from Akooza and stuffed it in his pocket. Elyk then groaned and shook his head with a tired look in his eyes.

"I'm not buying you a phone," Elyk grumbled, his eyes tired. He then reached down and took Akoozas hand. "I am taking you shopping though you can't wear my extra clothes forever." he stated and began dragging Akooza toward the door.

"W-wait! I don't even know what city I am in!" Akooza yelped as he was drug out the door by Elyk, the door slamming behind them. Elyk smirked as he led Akooza down the sidewalk. Suddenly a car drove by making a loud rumbling noise. "What!? Why does your city have monsters!?" Akooza screeched. Elyk grabbed Akoozas shoulders.

"My god, they are cars! We use them to get places!" Elyk hissed. He then rolled his eyes again. Akooza once again responded to this with a confused look and a blank stare.

"What's a car?" Akooza inquired. This caused Elyk to sigh once again, this time a loud exaggerated sigh.

"Why do I even bother," Elyk murmured. He took his hands off Akoozas shoulders and crossed his arms. After a moment he began walking down the sidewalk away from Akooza.

"Wait up!" Akooza yelped, reaching out his hand in the direction Elyk walked and ran after him. His footsteps pattered against the sidewalk and sandals he wore were hardly on his feet as they were old and worn like a dead plant. He kept at it though trying to catch up to Elyk who was only a few yards away now. Akooza was panting, his eyes focused on Elyk's figure as he ran but he felt a force halt him he bumped into someone and fell down landing on his behind. He looked up at first Akooza thought it was a tree or pole but as his gaze shifted up he saw a tall girl with brown hair and blond highlights, her hair tied in a braid she was wearing a collared green shirt and a black jacket also wearing glasses. Standing next to her was a slightly shorter girl holding a notebook who had dark brown hair. "I-im sorry," Akooza stammered.

"It's fine," The girl with glasses said. She had her arms crossed and a smile on her face, the other girl was writing in her notebook occasionally glancing up.

"Dummy! Don't bump into random people!" Elyk's voice echoed as he jogged over. "And who are you two?" Elyk interrogated, raising a brow.

"Oh my name's Liv," the glasses one explained, gesturing to the other girl with her right hand. "And this is Jaylyn." the girl with a notebook glanced up and then looked back at her notebook. Akooza looked between the two girls glancing at Elyk nervously.

"It's nice to meet you!' Akooza yelled. He giggled and stepped closer to Elyk, a bit timid of the two new people. Elyks gaze just hardened as he looked at the girls in interest glancing at Akooza in confusion before shifting his gaze back at the girls.

"So why are you two here?" Elyk asked, looking them up and down a suspicious gleam to his eyes. Liv just responded with a chuckle.

"Oh we were just on a walk. What- do you think we're stalking you because we're a little close to where you live or something?" she teased. Meanwhile Jaylyn was still writing in her notebook not caring to give them a glance.

"What!? I didn't say that!" Elyk protested. Akooza flinched away awkwardly watching the commotion, he felt uncertain about talking to these people as Elyk seemed like he was about to explode. He thought the two girls were rather scary considering they were making Elyk the only one he currently trusted upset.

"What's with your attitude Mr long hair, I didn't accuse you of anything," Live taunted a sly teasing smirk on her face. Akooza shifted behind Elyk hiding behind him at this point.

"Shush!" Elyk huffed, then grabbed Akoozas hand and led him down the sidewalk, staying clear away from the two girls. A few minutes went by with the sun shining down on the area. Elyk and Akooza were now crossing the street. The Two girls looked at each other Jaylyn looking up from her notebook with a smile.

"Well that went well." Liv giggled. She talked to Jaylyn in that same teasing tone. Jaylyn smirked as well and kept holding the notebook with one hand and putting the other infront of her mouth as she laughed.

"Yep. It's all written down," Jaylyn snickered a vile smile on her face. "All the elves' features, everything," Liv chuckled darkly in response and the two nodded to one another.

Elyk dragged Akooza down the sidewalk now well away from the girls. "I can't believe they talked to us like that!" Elyk growled angrily. He was fuming, stomping his feet while dragging a reluctant Akooza with him.

"You mean talking to you like that," Akooza commented with a bit of sass in his tone. Akooza watched as Elyks face turned red with frustration.

"What did you say?" Elyk snarled between gritted teeth. He snapped his head back to look at Akooza in annoyance. Elyk then let go of Akoozas hand crossing his arms.

"Don't let go of my hand," Akooza whined. But Elyk had his back turned to Akooza he scoffed and took a few steps forward not replying. "Elyk I'll get lost!" Akooza cried. He shuffled after Elyk not wanting to be left behind.

"Stopped being a baby," Elyk groaned as he finally slowed, letting Akooza catch up. "Hurry up before I do run away," He teased, chuckling for a moment. Akooza ran up beside him, panting a drop of sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Don't do that again!" Akooza scolded with a pouty look on his face.

"I won't I won't," Elyk chuckled, "I can't leave the elf all alone now." Elyk smirked as he said this. His braid swished back and forth as he walked further Akooza walking at his side still with a pouty look.

"I'm serious, Elyk! I'm new to this human world and I'd be completely lost without you!" Akooza huffed, crossing his arms. He walked beside Elyk annoyed that he tried to walk off without him minutes before. "Where are we going again anyways?!" Akooza complained about tugging on the purple cloth of Elyks hoodie.

"Geez, stop being a baby I won't abandon you," Elyk chatted, "Ah- also were going to the store remember? You're getting your own clothes." Elyk turned to Akooza, his amber eyes resting on his figure. Akooza opened his mouth slightly and gasped, his eyes sparkling.

"Really I get my own human clothes!?" Akooza shouted in excitement. He waved his arms in the air like a little kid. This caused Elyk to sigh and Shake his head.

"You are a grown man…" Elyk grumbled as he shook his head. The two were still walking along the sidewalk. Elyks comment made Akooza quiet down which made Elyk a bit disappointed as he had just been messing around. "Akooza," Elyk muttered.

"What is it?" Akooza questioned with the tilt of his head.

"Sorry if i'm being rude, I don't know much about how you elves think," Elyk admitted. His gaze became less sharp and became more soft.

"It's perfectly fine! I understand!" Akooza beamed a big goofy smile on his face. Elyk chuckled and nodded his head. He then stopped walking and gestured his hand forward.

"We're at the park. I figured we would stop here since it's on the way to the store," Elyk pointed out blandly. He then looked at Akooza waiting for his response. 

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