chapter 1

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The dragon soared in the sky the branches of the tree Swayed life in Topoka was peaceful. Everything calming and magical. Akooza strolled through the forest, his feet pattering against the ground. His white hair glistening under the moonlight, his pointy ears poking between strands of hair Akoozas emerald green eyes narrowed as he saw a shadow behind a tree.  "Ahah!" he dances forward leaping over a log and tackle in the figure. "I finally got you. Oota!" he chuckled. The figure giggled, kicking him off it warm green clothes, had reddish brown hair and pointy ears along with maple brown eyes.

 "Shush Akooza! You only got me because you live in this forest I'm a fire elf, not a forest one!" Oota complain, and stood up slowly and held her hand out to Akooza. Akooza snickered and reluctantly grabbed her hand. She yanked him up and he stumbled on his feet for a moment. "Hey, you almost made me fall Oota!" Akooza whined his eyes Darding to the side as he crossed his arms.

 "Oh shush you're 17 you shouldn't act like a little kid!" Oota complained and put her hand on his head complaining while ruffling his hair. Akooza batted her hand away.

"Just because you're 18 doesn't mean you can act like my mom!" Akooza huffed, and uncrossed his arms suddenly Oota grabbed his hand and dragged him through the forest. His eyes widened, and he growled under his breath, being dragged by their connected hands.

"Hurry up Akooza! Let me show you my favorite place!" Oota tiered, and kept dragging him along the low, hanging tree branches occasionally swooped down in his face, leaving small marks that faded away rather quickly.  

"Fine fine just slow down..." Akooza groaned zoning out as he continued to be dragged. A few leaves and twigs caught in his pale colored hair as he had a tired and exhausted expression on his face.  He thought to himself while being dragged his arm being constantly tugged at. 'This is getting annoying how far away is it my legs hurt.'  Oota giggled giving his arm a yank.

"Akooza it's just up here!" She giggled and pulled him up a slope the tree roots were hard to avoid, but they eventually made it to the top of the cliffside they smiled and sat criss cross looking at the moon together.

"This is so cool!" Akooza smiled his attitude shifted from annoyed to happy a smile dusting his cheeks.  He shifted his hand over and Grabbed Ootas hand a gentle smile covering his face and Oota  flinched but then smiled gently aswell and they both tilted there heads up looking up at the sky. 

The moment was calm and peaceful the navy blue and black sky with a bright full moon on top was a beautiful moment. Then the peaceful silence as broken a low snarl came from the bushes and Akoozas back stiffened and his breath hitched Oota gasped and they both held each others hand tighter turning around and standing up. They both looked at the treeline with wide eyes but didn't see anything.

"A-Are we imagining things?" Oota said in a shaky soft voice she looked away and then looked back at Akooza her eyes filled with fear and a bit teary. 

"I hope so." Akooza said with a sigh and looked at the bushes they sighed in relief but then once again the relief was broken as a low snarl was heard and barks echoed from the foliage around them. Star wolves the specific species of wolves that only come out during the night when stars are in the sky came out they had stars on there foreheads and there transparent shapes were speckled with a white outline and stars speckled around them they bared there teeth and snarled. Oota gasped and hid behind Akooza. Akooza stared in fear. 

"A-Akooza we're gonna die!" She screamed causing the wolves to circle and snarl baring there teeth and wrinkling there noses. Akooza shook his head and held out his hand.

"No no! I will make sure you get out of this alive Oota!" He took a deep breath thinking to himself. ' i need to imagine the spell. Thrashing vines that keep the wolves at bay'  he closed his eyes and held out both hands he heard the wolves snarl and then opened them he cast a spell circle a wooden spear appearing in his hand and a few vines thrashing around him the wolves lunged and Akooza red erected the spell surrounding Oota in the vines to protect her making a barrier with them. He gasped. "I will not let you hurt my friend!" He said with a look of rage in his emerald eyes. As he swung the spear he stabbed one of the wolves with it and it yelped before biting the spear and snapping it in half. "NO!" He shouted before he stepped back towards the edge of the cliff. 

"AKOOZA! BE CAREFUL! AKOOZA!" Shouted Oota but it was to late. Akooza stepped back the wolves snarled and stared at him they barked and the biggest star wolf jumped and tackled him he kicked it off him and they both ended slipping off the edge of the cliff and plummeting down. 

'I'm gonna die... I'm falling.. I'm dead... what do I do... im sorry Oota.'  As fine fell he hit his head on the side of the cliff. His head felt fuzzy he felt weightless as he spread his arms and legs he saw blood drip down his face infront of his eyes before everything faded to black. He fell unconscious.

936 words.

I hope you liked this! It's a remake of my story that was called 'a elf in a humans shoes.' I just didn't like the plot so I made a new story with the same characters and deleted that one.

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