Chapter 15

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Akooza spent all day moping around. He was laying on his bed, his face buried into his pillow. He had left the window open not caring what came in. Whether it was Kalzoo returning or a bird Akooza did not care. Elyk came back in with a tray of food. He had decided to leave Akooza alone because he knew he was upset.

"Hey, Akooza cmon, get up, why don't you come watch TV with me?" Elyk mumbled softly as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "C'mon you need to eat, forget about your brother." He nudged Akooza with his elbow making sure not to drop the tray of food. The tray was filled with a small steak, mashed potatoes and crinkle cut fries. Akooza grumbled something but it couldn't be understood with it being muffled by the pillow. Elyk raised a brow and stood back up sitting the tray on the nightstand. "What was that? I didn't hear you," Elyk chuckled. He had a teasing smirk while Akooza just used his left hand to grip the bed sheet. He slowly pushed himself up, removing his face out of the pillow.

"I said I can't forget about my brother… I wish he just wasn't so hateful toward me," Akooza revealed, his voice a bit shaky. He really just wanted his brother to acknowledge him and care for him. He knew it might never happen as Kalzoo had always been the braver, more mature one. He was the one who stayed strong through everything. Nothing could make his brother hesitate to do his job. Akooza had no clue how to reach his brother nor how his brother would fare in this world. Or how this world would fair with him. He glanced off to the side and took note of the food Elyk had spared for him. He let out a soft sigh and took the tray in his hands.

"Well you should try, your brothers rather rude," Elyk sneered clenching his fist, "I can't believe he treated you like that!" Elyk seemed angry, the tips of his ears were red and he had a disgusted look in his eye. This made Akooza a bit nervous but he shallowly nodded his head. He started shoveling food in his mouth though as he had been hungry. Really hungry from all that drama he could eat a horse. He closed his eyes as he happily chewed the food in his mouth hearing a small chuckle from Elyk.

"Why don't we watch TV?" Elyk asked with the slight raise of an eyebrow. He looked at Akooza with a smile. Akooza smiled back slightly.

"Sure why not," Akooza muttered. He smiled gently at Elyk, shoveling more food into his mouth. Elyk chuckled and grabbed the remote off the nightstand he pressed the on button and switched through channels. Akooza waited intently for Elyk to pick one, wiping the leftover food off his face with his sleeve. He sat the empty tray on the nightstand as Elyk let the TV play the news. The news was rather boring to Akooza so he just yawned and crossed his arms letting his mind wander. Elyk seemed to just be watching the news with not a care in the world. Akooza let his thoughts drift off, he had a million different questions about the situation. Where was Oota now? What was Kalzoo doing? Would he and the other elves be able to go home? He couldn't answer any of these questions himself. It left the situation feeling a bit helpless, what was he supposed to do now? Just sit by and let things happen? He didn't know.

"Akooza! Akooza look!" Elyk yelped nudging Akoozas shoulder. Akooza was immediately brought out of his thoughts. He took note of the fact Elyk looked shocked, a bit frightened even. Elyk was pointing at the TV. What could be playing on the TV that was so frightening? Akooza shook his head and looked at the TV, his breath hitching as it caught in his throat. The news was playing and there was another elf being cornered by men in blue and black outfits. They were holding weird black objects in their hands Akooza had never seen before. The elf was wearing armor just like Kalzoo had been wearing. He recognized that elf as one of Kalzoos squad. The elf had his spear pointed at the men in blue.

"Wh-What are they doing?! Why are they pointing those things at them?!" Akooza sputtered. He was shocked and scared, he knew his brother cared for the other three members of his squad, but so far Akooza had only seen two of the four members of the squad. Those being Kalzoo and this one on the news.

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