Blue is your color

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The week had been good for you and you were on cloud nine after winning a big match with Samoa Joe against Austin Aries and Traci Brooks stopping when you see Blue Hyacinths next to your locker room. You smile seeing a plate of cookies eating as you watch your friends matches wondering who left you the flowers since there was no note or anything that would tell you who it was and you're left wondering even more when you find a note in your locker room at the next show that said "Happy Birthday my girl" your heart fluttered reading the note asking to see if they saw anything but you knew by the way joe looked at you along with Punk and Jade Chung you had a feeling they knew something but they weren't planning on telling you anytime soon as the next week passed almost going crazy trying to number down on who it could have been since joe was your best friend, you didn't spend a ton of time with austin, you thought it was Alex Shelley at first but with how he flirted with jade you knew he would have just told you, and you definitely knew it wasn't either of the girls so you were at a lost by this point as you kept getting light blue hyacinths meeting up with your friend Trish Stratus who told you to keep looking. After two weeks you were back where you were not knowing who it was until the whole roster had a party at joe's house after a big network pay per view celebrating with your friends minus punk who you thought was tired or just didn't want to come raising a brow when joe stares at you following his line of sight across the room yelping when he lightly pushes you forward almost falling had you not been caught by punk smiling when you see him and it grows when you see the all too familiar blue hyacinths in his other arm "Now officially, Happy Birthday baby" you giggle even though it was still the day before your birthday he still helped you celebrate it early by sharing a kiss waking up the next morning opening your door after a knock to find punk with breakfast before all your friends surprised you at the park having a wonderful birthday with your friends and family having dinner with punk later that night where the blossoming relationship between the two of you officially began "Blue is your color" you smile sweetly as he kisses you softly after changing into a loose blue dress spending the rest of the night together watching movies before he took you home having the best birthday ever.

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