Poor circulation

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Marina noticed you lightly pressing a needle to your toe which makes her confused as she watches you run it along your skin. "Honey what are you doing?" you wiggle your toe and move your leg around before sighing as tears flow, "I've felt a bit of numbness and tingling in my toe, I thought I hurt it but now I'm scared it's something with my leg.." she thought that you either cut your toenail too short or you stubbed it very hard but once she saw how grey it was then she knew something wasn't right while you continued to do things to move around and get exercise in case it was your blood flow but you started getting scared of what it could be if it wasn't your circulation and it only grew worse over the next few days. You both knew there was a possibility that if it was very bad then you could face losing your toe or foot which left you scared shitless and it worried marina as you began to exercise more than you did after you get a doctor's appointment scheduled to hopefully find out what was actually wrong, you elevated your legs for thirty to forty minutes along with changing a few parts of your diet even though you were fairly healthy but there were still small parts that you needed to work on over the next while the days go by until your doctor's appointment where they listen to your symptoms, draw blood, and do any test to figure out what was going on as you tried not to think of what the worse outcome could be. You cried when you found out that there wasn't anything serious that could lead to you having your toe or foot amputated and that it was only low circulation from stress and not enough exercise, you cried in marina's arms after she got home and telling her everything leading to the both of you holding each other with tears of relief before working out in the garage together and jogging at the local park downtown before having lunch as you now started to put new changes in your life to help keep your body and mind at peace and healthy with marina's help and support.

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