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You felt cold and warm all at once like you had a fever but you wished you really had one right now instead of bleeding on the ground whimpering in pain in an alley. The night was full of fun as you have a few drinks with your friends but it all changed when you went outside to smoke a joint you had in your pocket with Austin before he left, you smoke the rest of it alone when you were grabbed and beaten up not realizing that you had been stabbed four times during the struggle until you collapsed and notice the puddle of blood underneath you, the next thing you see is a hand on your shoulder and another hand on your side as you turned your head only to see Joe above you "Hey look at me, look at me beautiful keep your eyes on me" you felt like your insides were on fire while you uncontrollably shivered even though you had a jacket on plus joe's jacket that he lays over you after carefully pulling you into his arms while Punk called an ambulance. "Stay awake don't close your eyes" you listen to joe's voice until you are wheeled back for surgery to remove a small amount of your small intestine and your spleen due to your wounds, you wake up in recovery with joe by your side who immediately noticed you awake "You got stabbed and had surgery, but your okay now" he pulled you into a hug after the emotions broke free processing and realizing that you had almost died and your mind flashes back to joe who was there from the moment he had found you in the alley realizing what could have happened if he hadn't have found and stayed with you "You saved me" he shakes his head as the two of you share a hug spending two weeks in the hospital before you were back in the ring with more will and stronger than you ever had been not just in wrestling but with your life as well.

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