Lake house

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The serene calm of the forest and lake house was a welcome change to you than constantly sleeping in hotels and traveling on the road nonstop wrestling every single day but you were glad to be on a six week break. Kevin can't help but smile at the childlike expression on your face as Sami chugged his Gatorade before walking inside the rented lake house that the three of you along with Punk, Joe, and Homicide would be staying in for the next two weeks enjoying the evening swimming in the lake and having homemade pasta before turning in and catching up on much needed rest, you wake up to find kevin lifting weights on the deck making you laugh as you made breakfast and ate before jogging on the small nature trail near the lake house for an hour only to come back and find a sun burnt punk and homicide eating a sandwich while joe watched tv with sami and kevin handed you a water before all of you were swimming in the lake minus punk who went through a cold shower and had aloe on his arms and shoulders. You sit on the deck enjoying the calm quietness of crickets chirping and the wind blowing throughout the warm night turning when you hear the door open only to see kevin, "Wanna swim?" you laugh with a shake of your head leading to the two of you swimming with hushed laughter like teenagers and touches that lasted a bit longer than normal not expecting him to kiss you after pulling you to him in the water but the moment quickly grows more intimate and tender as close are tossed on the ground leading to you pressed against a tree while wrapped in his arms burying your head in his shoulder while muffled moans and gasps are the only noises both of you could hear almost falling had he not being holding before carrying you to his room where he showers and cleans you both of you smiling into a sweet kiss under the covers wrapped together only to wake up the next morning when sami yelled after walking in his room to prank him not expecting to find his two friends asleep in the same bed definitely naked both of you blushing red when you walked down for breakfast only to see the smirks and looks from your friends.

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