Crushed throat

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This match had been draining and you didn't know how you were able to still keep up a fight against two bigger men. There weren't really a lot of women on the ROH roster and since you had wrestled against men a bunch of times in your career, you just kept doing it and made sure that the men you fought weren't the tallest or biggest men cause you knew then that you wouldn't have a chance at all but unfortunately in this match you had to wrestle against Jay and Mark Briscoe along with Kevin Steen since he was the only one who stood up for you when you were attacked by the brothers lat week leading the two of you to challenge them to a tag team match which you knew they would try to get an upper hand but they weren't gonna do it in the way you thought. You stand on the apron in a daze after tagging kevin in not noticing that mark was gone until the next thing you knew was being yanked off the apron and tossed around leading you to run in the ring before jay grabbed and threw you out of the ring into the barricade where you hit your throat letting out a strangled yell of pain as Adam ran out and helped kevin before carrying you backstage, there was a bit of swelling and a bruise began to from along your neck but the medic determined that it was just a bounce off hit but to still keep a close eye on the swelling for the next few days which made a bit of relief flood through you as adam takes you back to his house since kevin won the match for the two of you and adam already had his match with Tyler Black. An hour later you were sitting on the couch while adam laid an ice pack on your throat to help with the swelling and making sure to prop you up so you could still breath without knowing what was to come, you felt like you were suffocating and tired all at once as your vision grows dim while adam was in the next room when he heard a loud thud which makes him run out only to see you on the floor unresponsive making him freak out as he called an ambulance and went with you only to lose it when the doctors told him your throat was crushed and closed off your airway to the size of a straw, you woke up to adam by your side who cried seeing you awake as he kissed your forehead while you tried to speak. "Don't speak, your throat was crushed and you stopped breathing cause your airway was so restricted" you spent the night in the hospital being closely monitored as the swelling went down and your breathing was normal again leading to you being released later on the next day and going to the next show only a week later where the roster surprised you on your return along with the briscoe's apologizing for what happened which you accepted and became their third tag team partner in intergender matches in between tagging with adam or kevin as more women are slowly added to the roster.

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