Fear of flying

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You have always had a fear of flying on planes that's why ever since the start of your career, you always drove or took a bus thankfully your habit of saving extra money always helped so you never had to fly. But now it seemed that all the luck you had of no flying but it seemed that luck had run out as you stand in the airport with your girlfriend Willow while waiting to board a flight for a ROH show, the two of you were currently in Boise, Idaho and it would be a six hour flight from boise to New York city and it was your first flight ever as anxiety and dread wash over you "Take deep breaths, if you get scared just hold my hand" you nod as the last call for the flight is heard feeling adrenaline flowing through you as you get on the plane and find your seats immediately grabbing and tightly holding onto willow's hand after buckling your seatbelt and the turbulence began which made your heart jump to your throat until it was finally over "Just breathe it's all good now". The first hour was a bit rough trying to calm your racing heart and churned stomach but everything was nice and smooth once you calmed it down with ginger ale and tums, the two of you eat and watch one of your favorite movies Wild hearts can't be broken before falling asleep waking up later on to see that it was 2:00 AM "Just got four more hours" you smile as she kisses the crown of your head listening to music on your phone until the plane landed feeling relieved once you were off the plane but you also didn't feel afraid as you watch another plane take off before heading to the hotel for a bit before working out and training with a few of your friends "Thank you for earlier baby" willow smiles pulling you into a hug as you get out of the bathroom after showering and drying off, "Just doing what I always do for my girl and that's take care of her" she kisses you softly before grabbing food from the cafe down the street and going to a movie theater watching a replay of Mrs Doubtfire.

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