Never still

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Joe sits behind you on the couch while you sit between his legs on the floor while playing Spyro on the PS2 before grabbing a drink almost choking when your daughter kicks you before moving upside down in your belly. You jogged to the bathroom before sitting on the couch with a sigh while joe put his hands on your belly after the baby yet again moves and wince at the pain under your ribs leading joe to slowly rub your hips, "Fa'afaigofie i lou tina baby girl, you're hurting her" he talks softly to her while you called and talked to your mom before joe brought you a plate of rice and chicken which was one of the few things that you could eat without getting sick or have an upset stomach the rest of the day feeling the food melt in your mouth before joe had you laying in his arms with his hands under your belly gently holding it up knowing that it helped ease some of the pain from your pregnancy. Joe couldn't help but slowly off while laying in your arms listening to your baby girl's heartbeat and lighter kicks with you slowly running your hands through his hair and scratching along his scalp which is what he falls asleep to, you dozed on and off for the next fifteen minutes before falling asleep while random episodes of Touched by an angel plays as soothing music and noise that helped both of you melt into the tender moment that turned into an unexpected moment of domestic bliss for you and joe during the most nerve wracking and happiest moment of your life together while slowly counting down the next three months away until your daughter would be welcomed into the world.

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