Hershey kisses

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You were playing on the PS2 when the boys came in with takeout, a two leader of Coca cola, and a few snacks including Hershey kisses which was one of your main and favorite snacks. The three of you had been together for two months now and it was wonderful living together not only because it was easier for all of you to split rent and help the other out but it just felt natural right from the beginning instantly falling into a natural domesticated routine after you and joe moved into punk's much bigger home out of your cramped apartment and joe's two bedroom house he was sharing with his cousin until two months back laying in joe's lap as punk sits between the two of you on the floor playing Star Wars Revenge of the sith smiling when joe kisses you softly tasting th slight sourness of sour patch kids followed by an extra sweet kiss with punk tasting the flavor of the Milky way he ate a few minutes ago while they tasted the bites of your Hershey bar enjoying sips of coca cola while the three of you watch random episodes of Law and Order after watching Pulp Fiction and Good Will Hunting losing yourself in the peaceful moment. After awhile you're brought out of your mind when punk lightly kisses you returning the kiss before sharing one with joe laughing when you see a unopened hershey bar in joe's hands each of you sharing kisses in between sips of coca cola right before bites of the hershey bar smoking a joint after all of you walked to your shared bedroom sharing the joint talking as the tv played on low volume smoking one last puff of the joint before you fall asleep feeling punk lightly run his hand over your back underneath your shirt while you were snuggled against joe with the small after taste of coca cola and weed along with the taste of hershey's on your tongue as your sandwiched between the boys after one of your few days off together.

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