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You hated the urge you had to smoke right now as you were in a work meeting for a possible promotion that had caused you so much anxiety. You had stopped smoking cold turkey four days earlier and the craving kept getting worse as the days passed by, Athena knew by the look on your face that you were definitely stressed and anxious but she knew something wasn't right when she found your still unopened pack of cigarettes on the counter which left her surprised that you hadn't smoked at all for the day since she knew how stressful this promotion had been on you over the past few weeks that you couldn't get off your mind no matter how hard you tried. "Did you not smoke?" you shake your head as you grab and throw the pack away while telling her that you hadn't smoked for the past four days and how bad the craving was leading to the two of you at the pharmacy buying two boxes of nicotine patches, you weren't sure about until you put the first one on the next morning and every feeling of anxiety, cravings, and urge to smoke disappeared within a second not even realizing that you didn't have cigarettes anywhere in the house until a few weeks later after a very bad day only to find pop rocks in the drawer leading to you listening to the candy pop in your mouth in the silence which helped ease your urge along with the patches that you used over the next five months before using your very last one and slowly going through the next few weeks without any of the patches at all and not having the urge or craving to smoke one time at all which made athena proud that you were able to kick your habit and that she was able to help.

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