Intervention disaster

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This match with your boyfriend and best friend against CM Punk and Samoa Joe was making you bite your nails nervously as things grew more chaotic and dangerous. You run out to try and do something to help whether it was distracting the ref or getting joe out of the ring anything you had to do for them to win would do, punk looked up to see you on the apron trying to jump in the ring allowing Kevin to tag in Generico allowing them to get the upper hand while walking to the steps until you are suddenly flying and land into the barricade face first as chaos erupted before kevin gets a pin over punk and wins as generico threw joe over the steps when they noticed you laying on the ground with your hands over your face with blood spurting from your nose while being carried backstage feeling burning pain as your examined by a trainer. Thankfully your nose wasn't broken but very swollen and it took an hour and a half before your nose finally stopped bleeding due to the way you landed on the barricade, generico held an ice pack over your nose in the car while kevin drove to the hotel in between apologies from both of them for what happened before the three of you ate pizza while watching Pulp Fiction occasionally blowing your still swollen nose in between slowly rubbing the bridge of your nose in between pressing small bags of ice against it as generico kept a close eye on your nose over the night feeling immense relief when he lifts the ice pack off your face to see your nose no longer swollen or red gently wiping your slightly wet nose from the wrapped bag of ice waking up to him gently massaging the bridge of your nose with his thumbs making you smile softly before sharing a kiss and grabbing breakfast with kevin.

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