Weed and coffee

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You wince holding the hot coffee cup in your bandaged hand as you and your girlfriend Marina walk outside to her car after your exhausting boxing matches earning a few scrapes on your knuckles and a busted nose. The two of you smile as music plays driving around sipping on coffee before the two of you were parked in the middle of an abandoned field smoking two joints which helped ease some of the pain you were in and helped calm the adrenaline flowing through you during the match from earlier "You scared me a bit during your match" you look at marina who had a glossy look in her eyes feeling your heart crack know that you did have a bit of blood loss from your match once you got hit perfectly in the nose sharing a long hug before heading to your apartment hopping straight into the shower to help clean off dried blood and help your aching body cleaning each other's small cuts even though it hurt a bit falling asleep on the couch after having fruit crepes and turnovers waking up and watching whatever random movie or repeating episodes of sitcoms you could find before changing and meeting up with your friends Rodrick and Jessamyn hanging out at the local basketball court before all of you go down the street to the local Chinese place for lunch. All of you jog around town until you reached the gym working out and sparring together accidentally reopening a wound on your knuckles recleaning and bandaging your hands after the session going home after another hour where the two of you watched tv making dinner together in a domestic silence before you fell asleep on the couch following her upstairs after she nudges you awake having a hard time falling back asleep leading to now as the two of you smoke a blunt on the back porch feeling the high wash over you taking a quick cold shower before laying under the covers deep asleep with marina running her hand along your back until she was asleep holding you safely tucked under the covers waking up and eating pancakes as the sun shines on the two of you calm and warmly.

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