Midnight ride

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Laughter can be heard throughout the car as you, Kevin, and Sami more commonly known as Generico drove to a show. The three of you had known each other for years since you were kids and the friendship only grew as the three of you trained and began to travel together, you began to develop feelings for sami over the last three years of the fourteen year friendship and the way things had been lately with just you and sami traveling everywhere since kevin had gotten injured made things more uncontrollable for you to keep your feelings hidden since you were afraid to not just ruin the friendship between all three of you but also to lose sami because of it and you wouldn't forgive yourself if either of those things ever happened. The night had been filled with quite a few long hugs and longing glances when the other wasn't looking throughout your matches in the ring and the matches before and after them, things changed when the two of you were in sami's car eating pizza and singing random songs on the radio until he had stopped the car next to an old moonshine barn not too far from the small motel that the two of you and most of your friends were staying at for the next two nights for shows before going onto the next town as the normal routine of always being on the road nonstop not realizing you had zoned out and turned to look at him as he was talking to you but you were brought out of your spaced out state by him pressing his lips onto your own which made your soul leave your body and your heart flutter nonstop. "You know that I care about you right?" you nod as he drove to the motel before you were sitting in his room stopping him from saying anything as you stood up and grabbed his arm "I've been in love with you for three years and I don't wanna lose you but I can't hide how I feel anymore", it was silent for two seconds before he had pulled you into a passionate kiss that lasted for five minutes before you each pulled away for air "I love you Mon cher" the two of you smiled before spending the rest of the night watching random TV shows before traveling and going on dates throughout the next three weeks leading to an interesting talk with kevin after he comes back to wrestle and caught the two of you on a date only for him to raise a hand up and calling Punk immediately saying "You owe me thirty dollar, bitch" before pulling both of you into a hug.

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