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Eren Jaeger has never considered himself a "people person".

He's frequently found initiating fights with others over trivial circumstances, not appearing as the most friendly person one could meet. His temper becomes easily aggravated, not ending well for the subject that aggravated it. He's intimidating yet childish from the views of those around him.

He thought that aspect of him might change when joining the Training Corps, but after two weeks of being apart of it, he hasn't noticed much of a difference yet. He's instead making more enemies than friends.

In the afternoon at dinner time, all the trainees convene in order to eat together, chatting amongst themselves and hopefully forming new bonds. Eren always sits with Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert, the only two people he's confident enough to label as friends.

Armin drones on and on about how delicious the mashed potatoes are, all his pointless information going in one of Eren's ears and out the other. The brunette's focus is solely on another man at the table adjacent to them, twirling his spoon around on his plate as he converses with the one sole friend he's made so far.

Jean Kirstein, a total douchebag in Eren's opinion. Everything about the guy bothers Eren, his hair, his arrogance, his horse-shaped facial features. The way Jean keeps discretely stealing glimpses at Mikasa also agitates him.

"Why the hell are you staring at me?" the pest finally speaks up, fury prominent in his tone.

"Why the hell are you staring at my sister?" Eren retorts.

Jean slams his hands on the table and stands up at this. His cheeks are red, and his fists are tightly clenched together. "I'm not!"

Eren stands up from his seat and saunters over to Jean, looking up at him. He doesn't even flinch when Jean grabs him by the collar of his shirt. "You are. Now answer the question, horse-face. Why the hell are you staring at Mikasa?"

"I'm not, Eren. You're making shit up!"

The brunette swings his arm up and punches Jean in the face, causing him to groan and punch Eren in return. Jean obviously has more strength, being both taller and more muscular than him, but Eren acts oblivious to the fact.

At this point, the whole crowd has averted their eyes over to the brawl between the two hot-heads. With all this new found attention, Eren decides to show off a little. He knows Jean's weak spot, the weak spot that is inevitable for each man to bear. His crowned jewels.

Eren lifts his leg up, quickly aligning it with the target spot before raising it up-


The loud bellow of Keith Shadis rattles the walls of the room, coercing Eren and Jean to instantly stop their scrimmage and turn to face him with fear plastered onto their faces.

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