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CW: unsettling descriptions and a very tiny bit of sexual harassment

Connie Springer was pronounced dead that day.

Sasha Braus–the stranger who frantically knocked on your door–was utterly devastated when she heard your answer to her question, that being the tenth no she'd heard that day.

You consoled her as she cried and embraced her, whispering comforting words about how he's most likely been in the bathroom for an uncertain amount of time or woke up at the crack of dawn for private extra training.

She told herself to believe you, that it would all work out in the end and that her worst fears wouldn't come true, but she couldn't bring herself to stay fully positive.

She and Connie would always eat breakfast together, so when he didn't show up that day, she assumed the worst possible result happened to him. She's asked both of the boys' and girls' cabins, everyone informing her of not seeing Connie, and having you repeat that only caused her to have an abrupt, panicky breakdown right at your doorstep.

You, not knowing what else to do, wrapped your arms around her and conjured up stories of what he's most likely doing instead of eating, some being intentionally funny to crack a small laugh out of her. They did, and she desperately tried to believe he was alive, doing something in private that they'd joke about over dinner.

But when Krista Lenz let out an ear-piercing shriek, Sasha's positivity completely plummeted.

Ymir, Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, and you rushed towards the scream, only to eventually wish you didn't.

Connie's head was covered in dried blood, tainting his uniform and a facet of the white in his wide open eyes. Half of his teeth were missing, speckled around in the grass beneath his lifeless corpse. His head had a gash in the back of it from being repeatedly, vigorously slammed against the back wall of a cabin until the pain became unbearable, and he eventually succumbed to the overwhelming, merciless sensation.

Sasha bolted away to throw up, and Krista followed her to do the same, Ymir tagging along to aid the both of them.

Your hand quickly slapped over your mouth in shock as you tried to desperately persuade your mind into thinking this was all a dream. Eren looked at you with saddened eyes, and you met his gaze with one filled with melancholy and regret. You should've gotten to know him better, offered to walk him and Eren back to the cabin last night in order to save this tragedy from ever taking place.

"How did this happen?" you asked, averting your gaze from Eren back to Connie's body. Then your eyes quickly returned back to Eren, Connie only causing you to feel more and more overwhelming remorse. "Who could've done this?"

Eren placed a hand on your shoulder in an effort to comfort you. "I don't know," he commented, pursing his lips whenever his emerald irises grazed past Connie's immobile figure. "I really don't know."

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - yandere eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now