6 - 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌

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CW: blood and violence

Marco has never been the center of attention. He's always been content watching scenes play out from the sidelines, like a sidekick watching a superhero save the world from inside their headquarters.

He considers himself as being known as "Jean's best friend" or "the kid with freckles," and he doesn't mind that. He finds solace in watching Jean capture everyone's attention while sparring with Eren for the hundredth time that day. He's satisfied with people talking to him the following day for the sole purpose of asking him how Jean is holding up.

He's seen as Jean's liaison, and frankly, he's fine with that. He doesn't crave a main character situation to find happiness in his life. If he's known as Jean's sidekick, so be it. He wouldn't rather be known as anyone else.

The males in the training regiment residing in Marco's cabin continue Armin's game of two truths and a lie that was abruptly cut off a few days prior.

It's currently Jean's turn, and he proudly stands in the center of the room as he announces his three statements. "First, I do not look like a horse, I want to become a Scout, and... I have a crush on Mikasa!" He says the last part quickly, a bashful blush tinting his cheeks.

This is easy. Jean's always focussed on abolishing the horse remarks. It's uncanny how obvious he is about his feelings for Mikasa. He's also incredibly adamant about his aspiration to join the Military Police. Marco is finally confident about which one is the lie, so he raises his hand–

"Okay, can we all agree that Marco shouldn't be able to answer this?" Reiner suggests, chuckling. "I mean, they're like, super close friends. Of course he's gonna know the lie."

Jean's confident smirk drops, and he looks at Marco. "Is that okay with Marco?"

The freckled boy simply shrugs and laughs it off. "Yeah, that's perfectly fine."

"See!" Reiner yells. "Well, the lie is obviously the horse one because you 100% look like a horse," he cackles, throwing his head back and laughing at the angry deadpan Jean shoots him.

"You're wrong!"

"I'm right!"

"You're wrong!"

"I'm righ–"

"I'm leaving," Eren states, exiting the cabin and shutting the door.

Jean arches an eyebrow. "I wonder where he's going."

Reiner shrugs and continues proving that he's right.

Marco disregards their banter, focussed on the black speck hiding underneath Eren's pillow. It captures his curiosity, and he lifts the pillow to find what the object is.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - yandere eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now