9 - 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖟𝖎𝖓𝖌

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You find yourself staring at Eren more than usual today.

Your heart skips a beat whenever you see him briefly return your gaze, and pleasant butterflies fill your stomach.

You also find yourself dreaming about Eren. You had a dream the previous night about going on a date with him, laughing, sharing anecdotes, and having the best time of your life. You leaned in towards him, but right before your lips landed on his, you woke up.

It haunts you, the unfulfilling empty space you have in your mind of how that dream would have played out had you not awakened. Your eyes drift down to his lips. His tongue lightly slides over them before placing breakfast into his mouth. You watch his adam's apple shift as he swallows, and you see the subtle smile adorn his lips from the taste.

Then you instantly avert your stare back down to your plate, brooding about why your eyes are so drawn to his every movement.

But as you recall the way he appeared, you acknowledge the fact that he looked quite unbothered. Four people have died, yet he seems the same as he was when you first met him. It's as if this new lifestyle of not knowing if anyone will live to see tomorrow disinterests him.

Though, maybe his way of coping with reality is by not showing it externally. You don't know, but there are so many things you desire to learn about him. For some abstract reason, you feel inclined to know more about who he is.

You watch him from afar with vigilant eyes, analyzing every twitch of his fingers, ruffle of his hair from the wind, blink of his eyelashes. It all infatuates you, as if he's the only one present in this communal area.


"Huh?" you cock your head to the left, turning to face Armin.

The blonde narrows his eyes in a confused manner. "Are you okay? You were staring off into space."

You nod and smile warmly. "I'm fine," you assure him, going back to eating your breakfast.

Eren, of course, notices you were looking his way. It gives him a sense of satisfaction and arrogance, knowing you were drawn to his appealing features. The effects of his plan are beginning to take action. 

A few minutes later, Armin finishes his breakfast and leaves, followed by Reiner, Bertholdt, and Sasha. The only people remaining in the vicinity are you, Eren, and Mikasa.

"Are you sure you want to stay, Eren?" asks Mikasa, a concerned expression on her face. "It's not safe to be alone."

The brunette nods. "I'll be fine, Mikasa. I'm not alone. I have (Y/N) with me."

Those words struck a wrong chord in her heart. They make her rethink all of her actions up to this point in time. She is being... replaced.

Her mouth parts, but no words are able to come out. She merely nods her head and exits the cabin in silence to return back to her own, contemplating what in the world she has done wrong.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - yandere eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now