5 - 𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌

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The training regiment finally ensued safety measures, cancelling training for three days until further notice. The hierarchy is working on finding any suspects, abruptly dragging anyone they find suspicious away from whatever they're currently doing in order to interrogate them.

They've only investigated people Eren has never heard of, nobody residing in his cabin or one of the few females in the Corps he's become acquainted with. He's glad to be in the clear for now, but the lack of action is causing his morale to harbor immense tedium.

He groans audibly, laying down on the mattress of his top bunk and resting his forearm over his eyelids to block the morning sun from blinding him. Jean mocks him, exaggerating his gestures. Yet there's still some truth behind his motions. He's experiencing the same amount of boredom as Eren.

"Will you two shut up?" yells Reiner, adjusting his position on his bed so that his back is facing the rest of the males.

"What else are we gonna do? Because I don't feel like sitting in silence for the whole day," Jean retorts, sitting up and glaring at the blonde.

Reiner lays flat on his back. "Then talk outside, horse-face."

"How about you go outside?"

"How about you shut up?"

"How about we play a game!" Armin intervenes, brightly beaming at the both of them.

Jean sighs. "Which game?"

Armin eagerly stands up to confidently present his idea, everybody staring at him intently. "It's called two truths and a lie. One person goes up and states three things, two of them being true and one of them being a lie, and the rest of us have to figure out what the lie is."

"I'll go first," declares Reiner, climbing down from his bunk and stepping in the middle of the room. Armin sits down on his mattress and watches him along with the rest of the cabin. "First, I was born in Wall Sina, I have a crush on (Y/N), and...I'm secretly a titan."

Eren's jaw tightens when your name is mentioned.

"That's easy," says Marco, "there's no way you're secretly a ti–"

The door suddenly opens, revealing a disheveled-looking Bertholdt. He steps inside and shuts it behind him, capturing the undivided attention of everyone.

Reiner arches an eyebrow. "Bertholdt, where have you been?"

The gaunt brunette sighs, trudging over to his bed. "They called me in for the investigation."

Everyone's eyes concurrently widen. "What? Why?" Marco asks.

"They said I was overly quiet, and they found that suspicious. Erwin inferred I was too guilty to speak because I ripped away Connie and Shadis' ability to do so."

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - yandere eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now