3 - 𝖚𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌

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CW: sexual harassment, violence, and blood

Today is the day of Connie Springer's funeral. The training regiment all watch Connie's inanimate coffin lay utterly still. They all silently hope for Connie to arise from his confinements, flash everyone a cheerful grin and shout, "it's a prank!".

But he doesn't. He physically can't.

Connie's dead.

An unknown pastor preaches about gospels to try and lift up everyone's morale, but it doesn't work, especially since directly after it, Connie's mother gives a speech that can inflict an overwhelming sense of melancholy onto someone who doesn't even know who Connie is. She shares her fondest memories of him playing with his sisters, informs everyone about his unquenchable drive to become the greatest scout there ever was.

Then she breaks down into sobs at the podium, and Shadis has to drag her out.

The sky is unable to be seen, gray clouds covering everyone's view of the azure radiance it usually emits. It casts a dejecting mood upon the vicinity, a contrast to Connie's upbeat personality.

Shadis then presents a monologue full of bullshit about how Connie was one of his "star trainees" and how he would've "killed many titans if given the chance". It's awful to attend a funeral, but it's even more awful to see through the speaker's outright lies about the decedent.

It only increases Eren's immense grudge towards him.

After the speeches are finished, hired strangers who have no relationship with Connie lift up his coffin and gently place it in a hole they dug the day before. They grab shovels and pick up piles of dirt and drop them over the wooden case until it levels out with the ground. Then they leave, and everyone sits in silence.

You stare at the spot where his coffin once was, seeming as if you're in a complete trance. Your mind clouds with thoughts of how little effort the mortician put into this and now no precautions have been assigned to assure no one else ends up like Connie. It's almost like nobody even cares about the cadets' safety.

Eren nudges your shoulder, removing your mind from its tranced state. "(Y/N)," he calls.

You tilt your head up to look at him. "Hm?"

"You ready to go?" he questions, motioning towards the crowd exiting their designated seats for the funeral.

Nodding, you and Eren begin walking out the gloomy area and back towards the cabins. Training has been called off today because of what Shadis titled "unforeseen events". It upsets you that Connie's death is referred to as merely an event. No trivial event could have this great of an impact on everyone's disposition.

Deciding to disregard the unpleasant thoughts, you follow Eren's larger figure to your destination, listening to the random topics he brings up to help lift your spirits.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - yandere eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now