20 - 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌

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The night is quiet.

The wind has slowed down, the crickets have ceased their chirping, and the chatter from inside the cafeteria is now inaudible. It's as if time has stopped.

You drop Eren's hand, your body feeling so light it might tip over with the touch of a finger. Your breath is caught in your throat, and your rapid heartbeat is the sole sound your ears listen to. It throbs in your chest, pounding against the walls of your ribcage as your eyes fix on the man in front of you.

As you stare at him, you search his face for anything familiar, but you can't recognize him. The man you thought you knew best out of everyone, the man you comforted and who comforted you, the man you loved with every inch of your heart—is now a complete stranger.

Krista's words broke something within you, played a wrong note on your heartstrings that deafens your ears. The puzzle pieces slowly click together in your mind, yet once it's finally completed, you realize the picture is unsightly.

You refuse to believe her statement. How could he do what she accused him of without telling you? What reason would he even have to do it? You ignore all of the previous signs you were wary of, convincing yourself the truth is merely a jest.

It's not true. She's wrong.

It can't be true.

You step forward to speak, to have Eren confirm your thoughts and dismiss every alleged action Krista accused him of, but his voice is louder and colder than your own.

"I had a good reason."

Your feet trip, and you stumble backwards, regaining your balance at the last moment. Your hands rise towards your face, tracing the contour of your cheeks which Eren's fingers once did. His bloody, brutal fingers that murdered six of your comrades.

You feel water bubble in your eyes, but you don't make an effort to wipe it away. You turn to face him, lips quivering and fingers trembling as they cage the sides of your terror-stricken face.

Something about your expression irks him. It causes his heart to tighten, a wave of melancholy and realization rushing over him like a tsunami. He reaches out his hand to console you, the sight of you crying physically torturing him, but you step away from him.

You dodge his touch, knowing any word he speaks or action he makes will only amplify the pain. Maybe if he lied, if he would've denied her claims and deceived you, you might actually have preferred that outcome more than your current situation.

Your reaction causes a twisted smile to curl his lips, the only emotion you've seen on his stoic features all day. The grin harbors an abundance of different emotions, ones that you're able to distinguish with ease. Dejection, guilt, regret, yearning, and most prominent of all: insanity.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - yandere eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now