12 - 𝖈𝖗𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌

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Reiner's funeral is held today.

You've only considered yourself acquainted with the previous victims, so when you're in a front row seat to the funeral of someone you thought of as a close companion, the whole situation fills you with more anguish than it ever has.

Reiner was one of the few people in the Training Corps that you could call a friend. He helped you discover suspects for the murder, provided you with theories, was someone you could confide in when you were in a dilemma. You even joked about the whole murder experience, not realizing the man you were joking with would eventually die because of the murderer.

During any of the past funerals, you never cried. But today, you can't restrain the tears that leave your eyes and drip down your face. When your vision averts upwards towards the inanimate coffin, your mind races with thoughts and detailed images about the bleeding corpse you found in the lone stall. Your miserable pleas and the carmine artwork on the wall appear in your head, and they never disappear.

Levi isn't present at the funeral. Instead, a person with glasses and an eyepatch gives a speech about Reiners accomplishments. You solemnly listen, allowing Eren wipe away your stray tears from the chair adjacent to you.

You've never been one to cry. Sure, when you were a kid, the most trivial things were tear-jerkers; but as you've grown and experienced many hardships, you're hard to break. Though now that you're faced with a new experience, the terrifying feeling causes you to break down and sob like the mothers of the previous decedents. You finally understand how they were feeling—indescribably devastated.

You could rely on him for almost anything, feel free by his side, but now even thinking of his name is a knife to the heart.

Eren silently rubs your back comfortingly. He puts on a front of collected emotions, but deep down inside his wretched heart, he knows he's gone too far.

Watching you cry gives a worse feeling than killing someone will ever be able to give him. In the moment, the repercussions of the homicide never occurred to Eren. All he was able to focus on was the euphoric emotion he felt and craved, but now, everything is different.

He shouldn't have killed Reiner. He shouldn't have killed anyone.

But that solace he finds in murder constantly compels him into doing it again. It's almost as if the fact that he shouldn't do it is the reason why he feels so inclined to do it.

Once the funeral concludes, Krista decides to check up on Levi.

She wipes away her tears of remorse for Reiner and strolls up to the cabin his office is in. She quirks an eyebrow at the hole that's in the door, but she doesn't dwell upon it too much. She lifts her knuckles up and inches them near the front door—

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - yandere eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now