17 - 𝖗𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌

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CW: blood, violence, and unsettling descriptions

Eren doesn't know what he's doing. His feet are commandeering his brain and moving impulsively towards Levi's office. His brain is in an indefinite slumber, and though his heart is shouting to awaken it, its attempts are futile.

His vision is clouded with a malicious red, and the thought of you has vanished from his mind. His sole intention is to kill, to finally experience that intoxicating feeling that he's been secretly yearning for.

His knuckles slowly rise up and place a rap on the door.

The abrupt sound makes the man inside the office drop the stack of papers he was holding. It breaks the silence of the once peaceful afternoon and causes a strike of fear to hit Levi's heart.

The papers fall onto the floor and disperse around the room, but overwhelming terror is eclipsing the need to pick them up.

He stares blankly at the door, wondering if the sound was a figment of his imagination or a petrifying reality. Only when the second knock sounds is when he comes to a conclusion.

His brain swarms with possible people who could be standing behind the door, but the most dreaded yet prominent one is Eren. Why would Eren be back? Out of all the hundreds of cadets at the Training Corps, the odds of Eren Jaeger being behind that door are extremely slim.

His mouth opens, preparing to speak authoritatively, but his voice is reduced to a shaky whisper of an attempt to say, "come in."

The door creaks open, and Eren stands in the doorway, appearing more towering than ever. His face is stoic, eyes boring through Levi's and movements almost robotic and programmed.

He steps inside, locking eyes with the captain.

"Hey, Levi," he greets, tone devoid of cheerfulness. "Can I ask you something?"

The black-haired male takes a step back. The action is almost an automatic response to Eren's presence.

He swallows, glancing up at the brunette as he desperately tries to remain composed. "What is it now, Jaeger?"

"Do you know who the murderer is?" Eren questions, viridian eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Levi's breathing quickens. "No, I don't."

"Are you sure?" the brunette asks, walking forward. "Nobody stands out?"

"Jaeger, refrain from coming any closer," the other states firmly. 

He takes another step forward. "Why? You trust me, right, Captain?"

"I don't trust anyone. Go back to your cabin."

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - yandere eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now