16 - 𝖘𝖚𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌

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CW: slight mention of suicidal thoughts

Creaks of the bed sound constantly, echoing throughout the girls' cabin and preventing anyone from receiving any sleep.

Krista twists and turns in her mattress. Sweat forms on her forehead from the energy she's exerting, but whenever she removes the bedsheets, the air becomes freezing.

But she can't sleep.

A dream has been replaying in her brain for the past couple days, and it haunts her when nighttime arrives. 

She dreams of being trapped in a claustrophobic room. Cameras are in each corner, watching every move she makes. There's nothing to do in the room. There's no food, water, or beds; so she's unsure of how she's still alive.

Eren and Ymir observe her through the cameras, and they never get bored. Every waking second, they watch her suffer. The only way Krista can escape is by killing herself, but nobody has informed her how.

She brings her knees up to her chest, hugging them tightly as her eyes begin to gloss. She's stuck in that room for eternity, and it's driving her insane. Her eyes flicker from wall to wall, searching for something that will end her misery without pain.


Her eyes shoot awake, causing her to be face-to-face with Ymir. She averts her gaze towards the mattress, wiping some of the sweat off her forehead. "Hey," she murmurs.

The brunette looks down at her in a comforting manner, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "You okay?" she inquires, her thumb rubbing the fabric of the sleeve.

Krista manages a small nod. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine," Ymir responds bluntly.

"I'm fine, Ymir."

The freckled girl sighs and retracts her hand. "I'm here if you need to talk," she assures the other before walking back to her bed.

Krista nods once more, but she knows she'll never talk about it. She's forbidden to utter a word about her situation, and although she despises herself for agreeing to Eren's ludicrous terms, she knows she chose this path for herself. As long as Ymir is able to remain alive, it's all worth it.

But a piece of her heart is starting to doubt that.

You awake to the sun casting a radiant glow through the window panes, and your eyes drift to the man beside you who smiles once your gaze meets his.

"Morning," Eren mumbles softly, his hand reaching out to cup the side of your cheek.

He seems so calm now, almost as if he wasn't having a break down the night before. You still have yet to ask him why he was apologizing. The moment has never been right, and you don't want to push him away once he was finally comfortable enough to open up to you.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - yandere eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now