Chapter 1- Really?

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Claire's POV

Today was the day that Owen was going to tell Kate, his daughter, about us. God I'm so nervous. I know that Monica, Owen's ex-wife, divorced him and took his daughter away from him; but I don't want to just come in and take away everything she has of a father. I know they're were very close, or so Owen tells me. But I'm still extremely worried.
'What if she hates me?' I keep thinking. 'What if-' 'What if-' and more 'What if-'s run through my head. I'm currently standing next to my counter, my head in my hands. My stomach is in knots. I finally found a nice guy, whom I like very, very much. And now it can be ripped from me, just like that. I want to make a good impression towards Kate, so I decided to straighten my hair. As I always do- but I'm just worried today so I probably would've just kept it in it's natural waves. Owen says he loves my little curls in my fiery red hair- but to me- they're a pest. I looked at the clock- 12:15 a.m. and her flight was at 2:30. I had plenty of time- to worry. I had just finished straightening my hair. Well not fully. There was waves. But not my natural ones- I hate those. But straighter-made ones. I was still in my pajamas. I guess I should get dressed. I slipped on my jeans and a tan shirt with a red sweater ( picture above). I applied red lip stick to match my outfit. It had to be the right tone- obviously! Now I just needed to wait.




God this is going nowhere.


Useless clock!



This is infuriating! I turned to look at my phone. I looked back at the clock.

12:38 now. I needed to pass time. I grabbed my phone and texted Owen.

"Hey" I said.

"What's up?"

"Oh you know just freaking out"


"I'm just worried about Kate and what she will
think of me"

"Claire, c'mon, she will love you!"

"I don't know! I mean she does have her own mother! Now that we're uh... what are we?"

"I guess we should've clarified that..."

"Would've been helpful..."

"Are we a couple?"

"I don't know!"

"Okay... You ask me to be your boyfriend. See what I say"

"Isn't that guy supposed to ask the girl to be his girlfriend?"

"Your really annoying sometimes you know that right?"


"Okay okay. Claire do you want to be my girlfriend?"


"Oh come on! 😠😠"

"I'm thinking! Can't a girl get some time to think? 😏😉"

"Not when it's making me worried!"

"Since you asked nicely... than yes. I will be."

"Really?! 😀"


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