Chapter 20- It's True

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Monica's POV

I was know officially pregnant- with a real child inside of me. I wasn't faking it. But Owen isn't the father. He will just think he is. I just need to make him believe it. Oh, and if your wondering who the father is- it's Owen's older brother. I needed the kid to have the same DNA as Owen and myself would have. I started to cry to make it look good. I called Owen to tell him.

"Owen? It's me," *sniff*, "Monica."

"Monica? What's wrong? Are you crying?"

*sniff sniff*

"Yes. I am crying. Please can we just talk? I need to talk to you."

"Uh...ya, sure, when?"



I saw Owen and ran up to him. My still tear-stained face red and puffy from crying.

We sat down at the table ( we are at Starbucks) and ordered ourselves a coffee.

"Monica, I really shouldn't be here. Can you please just tell me what you want to tell me?" Owen said.

I rolled my eyes,

"Listen, I know it seems crazy, but im pregnant with your child."

"Excuse me?"

"It's true."

"I- I- how?"

"I'm not sure, Owen. I guess it will always be a mystery," I smiled.

"I have to get back together with you, then," he mumbled.

"Little louder please."

"We have to get back together! For this babies sake- and for Kate's."

"Okay! I don't mind that! You should probably go tell Claire."

"I will," he said. He walked over to my side of the table and knelt down to my height. "If we are going to do this- we have to be in love with each other, so," then he kissed me. He. Kissed. Me. Why did I ever get a divorce with him?

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