Chapter 34- Spinning Worlds

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Claire's POV

"I don't know what to say," I stuttered. I looked around at the countless of people smiling at us. My mind was spinning. Owen. I loved Owen. I couldn't say yes.

"What do you mean you don't know what to say?" Adam spat.

"I- I need time. I'm sorry," and then I ran out of the building. I ran to Owen's bungalow. I don't even know why, I just wanted to see him.

Knock knock.

Owen opened the door and smiled.

"Oh! Hey Claire," he cheered. Before he could say anything else, I kissed me. Our lips collided, they seems to move in sync.

"Hi," I said breathless. Owen 's arm was around my waist and we were inches apart.

"Claire? Are you okay?"

I gulped and shook my head.

"Not really," I admitted. "Adam, uh, he proposed." I felt Owen tense and take a shaky breath.


I kissed him again.

"I didn't say yes. I said I needed time. Owen I love you, not him."

"Marry me then," Owen stated.


"Claire, I love you and only you. Marry me. Be my wife," he laughed and continued, " be Mrs.Grady."

I was speechless. No words would come out. My world started spinning and... then I'm pretty sure I fainted.

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