Chapter 36- Unfocused Claire

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Claire's POV

I had called Adam already. He was, obviously, heartbroken, but he understood, and was happy that I was happy. He is a great guy... sorta. But I was currently nuzzled into Owen's shoulder, my eyes fluttering open and shut.


"Mhmm?" I mumbled.

"We're engaged," I heard the excitement in his voice.

"I know," i smiled. "I can't wait."

"Me either. I love you so much, Claire."

"I love you more."

"Who's house would we live in? Or we could buy a completely different house."

I shrugged. I was too tired to talk. My hears basically shut off because I couldn't hear a thing Owen was saying. Then I was sound asleep.

Owen's POV

"So we would invite your family, my family, friends. Wait, do you have friends? Yea, of course you have friend," I rambled on. "Anyone else you can think of?" I looked down at Claire.

Who was sleeping.

I swear I waste so much energy taking to raptors and a in-focused Claire it's crazy.

But I love them both.

Author's Note

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is incredibly boring, but it was kinda a filler chapter!

Now, I apologize immensely for not updating in forever! It's been really crazy at school, sports, social life, etc. So I'm really sorry! But I'm not giving up on this book!

xx- Kelsey

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