Chapter 15- The Answer

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Third Person POV

Owen and Claire haven't talked to each other in days now. Coming up on a week. Owen is currently watching a baseball game with Kate while she is recovering at home. She got checked out of the hospital two days after their fight.

"Owen!" Monica called, "can you help me with this?"

Owen sighed and responded,


Monica just needed help with a box. She was moving Kate's things to her old room.

"So, you never answered my question," Monica smirked.

"What question?" Owen asked.

"Are we getting back together?"

Owen's POV

I knew the answer. I didn't want to answer it now, though.

"Owen, please, don't keep me waiting."

She blurred into Claire. I forgot it was Monica completely and I only saw Claire in her place.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you mad at me?"
I asked still thinking it was Claire.

"I'm here because I love you Owen! Can't we just get back together?"

I nodded furiously and pulled her in a hug, again still thinking it was Claire.

"I love you too," I said back.

I wish I knew she was video taping our whole conversation- and was planning on showing Claire.

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