Chapter 24- The Past of a Perfectionist

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Claire's POV

Today was moving day. I was moving back to Ilsa Nublar ( not sure if I spelt that right) , back to Jurassic World. I still don't know if Owen has a job there too, yet. I want to see him- but I can't. I just can't. He chose Monica. He chose his true family. I was just the simple girlfriend- not too beginner, not to serious. I did love him though. I hope he at least thought of me as a girlfriend. I had all my furniture already lifted to the island and all that was left was my clothes. I don't know why I was overly obsessed with looking more than presentable. I wasn't dressing up for anyone. Don't get me wrong- I want Owen to notice me, but I don't know. I don't feel comfortable around him- anyone really, well except Zach and Gray- they're coming to Jurassic world with me. Karen and her husband split up soon after the idominus Rex issue; now she has a new boyfriend and said she can't handle kids around. I guess she cares about her boyfriend than her own kids. Both boys are always depressed it seems. I mean who wouldn't be? Their own mother gave them up, basically, to focus on her love life. With me, I've always been a multitasker. Karen and I have never been close. She was always hanging out with her friends. She was popular, never cared about school, trouble-maker, and a slob. Me on the other hand- I was always studying. I was kind of a loner, perfectionist from school to cleaning my room. Everything had to be perfect. I always was the good girl. But my parents didn't seem to think so. Karen blamed me for everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. And my parents believed her- she was the good one in their eyes. Maybe that's why I had to do everything perfect- to prove myself worthy. I was almost finished packing now.

"Zach! Gray!" I called, " it's time to go!"

It that it was- it was time to go back to Jurassic World.

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