Chapter 29- DNA Test

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Owen's POV

I decided I wanted a DNA test. I've asked for one multiple times now, and Monica and Kate have both fought me on it. Now I've threatened to leave again if we don't have one. After keeping that threat lingering for a while, they said yes.

***it is now after DNA test***

I couldn't believe it. This child wasn't mine at all! It was Monica and my brother's kid. I sat down on the couch, head in my hands.

"Dad?" Kate came up to me. "Can we talk?"

"Yea," I sighed.

"Since we're both caught in our lie, I think I should tell you something."

"And what's that?" I asked.

"Remember all that bad stuff that happened to Claire? Like her almost dying, suicide, etc.?"

"Mhmm, why?"

"Well I was the one who tried to kill her, I was the reason she tried to commit suicide, I was also the reason of you two breaking up, and I was the reason for pretty much everything else," Kate croaked. She started to cry, "dad I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done any of that."

"You? You did all of that? Why? What did she do to you?"

"She had you! And I wanted you and mom to get back together," she cried.

"So you tried to kill her..."

"Dad, please forgive me."

"I-I," I didn't know what to say.

"Dad! Please!" Kate begged.

"I can't. You went to far, both you and your mother. I'm sorry. I love you Kate."

"Wait where are you going?" She said while still crying.

"I'm going back to Jurassic World," and then I mumbled, " to see Claire. To see my Claire Dearing."

Little did I know, she wasn't so mine anymore...

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