Chapter 13- Sake and Lying

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Owen's POV

Kate's mother? My ex? Monica? I haven't seen her in 8 years. She wouldn't let me see Kate and that was mostly because she didn't want to put her in danger with my job and all... but I haven't seen Monica either. What should I do? I finally decided on giving her a call.

"Hello?" Monica said, " who's this?"

"Hi, uh, it's Owen."

"Owen? Why are you calling?"

"Uh- it's- uh- it's Kate. She tripped and hit her head. She's hurt pretty badly."

"Oh my little girl! I'm coming there right now!"


"Is there a problem?"

"Nope! No problem at all!" My voice was extremely high.

"Okay then..."


I was sitting in the hospital chair, next to my unconscious daughter. Then Monica walked in.


"Hi, Monica."



Our conversation got less and less awkward as it went on. But then she said the most random thing-

"I want to get back together- for Kate's sake."

I froze. Monica. Claire. Monica? Claire?

"I- I need time to think Monica."

"Take as long as you need!" she said standing and she walked over to me and kissed me. She kissed me. Oh god.

Claire's POV

Owen is supposed to me coming over for dinner tonight. He's late. He was going to come at 6:30... it's a 8:15 now. I've already eaten my dinner and thrown away his. I got just a little mad and threw the food in the trash. I heard knock on the door and I went to open it.

"Hi, Owen."

"Hey, Monica," he said back walking in.

"Who the heck is Monica?"


"You called me Monica," I said crossing my arms. What was he hiding?

"I- sorry- I meant Claire. Promise," he said as he pecked me lips. I saw pink lipstick on his already. It definitely not mine. I'm wearing red.



"Why do you have," I paused and wiped some of the lipstick off- " pink lipstick?"

"I- uh- it's nothing," he stuttered.

"Why are you lying to me?"

"I- I'm not lying."

"Please, Owen. Tell me the truth."

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