Chapter 38- Nicknames

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Claire's POV

Two Days Before Wedding

Owen and I have agreed not to see eachother til' the wedding. I mean, I've texted and called him, but I haven't seen him. Not in person, at least. I miss him, even though I saw him a couple of days ago. 4 to be precise. I need to talk to him, so I went onto messages, and texted a quick text.


"Hey my future wife💕"

I blushed, thank god he couldn't see me.

"I miss you, Owen."

"I miss you more, Mrs.Grady"

"Not yet, Mr.Grady. We still have two more days."


"No pouting, we're getting married. Happy times, Owen."

"You're so stubborn, babe ;)"


"Claire, we're getting married. I'm pretty sure I can call you babe"


"I should I have a nickname!"

"I'm not good with nicknames, Owen. You know this"

"Ugh, haven't you seen any chick flicks? They have nicknames, right?"

"I'm not called you baby, boo, hubby ( well at least not yet ). I'll call you Owen."

"Wow. Owen. Real unique, how did you come up with that? ;)"

" :( no need to be mean"

"Love you too, Clairebear."

" :)"

"What?" Owen responded.

"Clairebear! It's kinda cute!"

"You like Clairebear better than babe?"

"To be completely honest, whatever you call me gives me butterflies"

"You so cute, Claire."


"Really." ( a/n- see the parallel w/ chapter 1? XD )

"You are too, Owen. I really want to see you."

"In two days it will be our wedding, Clairebear, and then we will spend forever together."

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