Thanksgiving Special

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Not apart of storyline, hence the word Special

Claire's POV

Claire and Owen walked hand-in-hand into Owen's parents house. This was the first time Claire was meeting his parents, and she was extremely nervous. In all her pasts boyfriends, Claire has only met one's parents. And that was after he got arrested for running over a pedestrian and he tried to blame Claire for "getting him drunk". That wasn't the case, but the parents wanted to apologize for their sons actions.

But i has never really met a boyfriend's parents before. And this is causing me to petrified. I was wearing a red dress with a grey/red/black flannel scarf, along with grey socks that showed a little over my light brown boots.

'What if they don't like me?' I thought to myself as I approached the door.

Marcus is Owen's father, and his mother's name is Margaret. Owen didn't tell me much about them, other than she love to talk. The mom will probably ask me a bunch of questions. What if they don't improve of me? I have been known to be sorta a workaholic b!tch at times, hopefully they don't see that side of me. Owen knocked on the door and almost instantly it opened. His parents were both standing there with huge grins plastered on there faces.

"Owen" they both cheered, as they hugged him tight. I awkwardly stood there as they had their family reunion. I looked away at the night sky, thinking about how my family would never do that for me. They were always pushing me to be better, because I wasn't good enough. That's how I was raised. That's why I'm such a perfectionist. The mother finally faced me,

"And you must be Claire!" She smiled.

"Hi, Mrs.Grady," I said sheepishly.

Then his father turned to me, unlike his wife, who had a welcoming appearance, his father towered over me in height. And I was pretty tall, but he had like Shaq's height! My faced dropped and I put on a nervous smile.

His father eyes me up and down and scoffed, almost in disgust. I turned to Owen. I gave him a look that said 'what did I do'.

He shook his head, either implying j didn't do anything, or he had no idea.

Great. Just great.

"How about we get out of the cold?" Margaret asked.

"Thank god, I'm starving!" Owen chuckled.

We all went inside to the warm nice little house. My house was never like this. We lived in.. well, a mansion, and it was never decorated, and it didn't smell like cookies, the way Owen's parents' house spelled like. I loved it.

"Claire, you good?" Owen chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm good!" I smiled. Then a big fluffy thing jumped on top of my. "What the-"

"Rex! Get down!" Margaret laughed as the dog had me pinned down to the floor. He licked me face and Owen busted out laughing. I kept turned my head side to side, trying not to drown in the slober. The dog finally got off me and went to his dog bed. I covered my face with my hands and started laughing. Owen helped me up, as I was still catching my breath.

"You've never had a dog before, have you?" Marcus asked. It was the first time I had heard him speak.

"N-no. My parents were never big on pets," I admitted nervously.

He pursed his lips and nodded, like he was processing what I had just said. I laughed nervously, failing to lighten the mood. I looked over at the black retriever, whom is called Rex, and he was choosing heavily on a bone. I laughed. Owen worked with dinosaurs and his dog was named Rex.

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