𝟔 : 𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝

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Touch her and,
You'll burn...

Touch her and,You'll burn

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"Noah. Amadrya. Let's go have lunch. Then we have to leave" I said to them.

I am in confusion. Amadrya said that she is uncomfortable but turns out that they know eachother. Out of my reach nevermind.

We placed the order for the food. And I turned my attention towards Amadrya who was playing with her fingers

"Amiee," I whispered so only she could hear it. "Are you uncomfortable?"

She hummed in response. "A little" she said.

I don't know what I am supposed to do.

"Can I do something?" She looked up at me in confusion. I interlock my fingers with hers. I'm out of my mind. I know.

I looked back at Noah. Trying to avoid Amiee glance. Noah who was busy on the phone. Maybe texting his another girl for the night out.

"You know what Alaric, I have been sleeping with this girl from last 5 days. And she has a boyfriend. What a dumb slut" his attention was still on the phone

I felt a sensation against my hand. She rubbed her thumb over my skin. I tighten my grip around her hand knowing that she is not feeling good in his presence.

Her words from that night ran through my mind.

" It felt like no one can hurt me because you were there to protect from all the evil things which were going around. And I know I shouldn't be afraid of it but If you are there to protect me I would let my body touch the thing which can harm me the most because I know whenever you are around. You wouldn't let anything hurt me. Unless it's you."

She doesn't even remembered that she said this to me and if I would tell her this I know she will not believe this.

"Hey what do you think we should do after the meetup?" I tried to change the topic because I know Amie felt uncomfortable after hearing those things.

"Which meet-up are you talking about?" He closed the phone of his screen and gave his attention to me.

"The one we talked about last night"

"So Amadrya, and her friends will come along with you right?"

Amiee looked at him then at me. Confused. I know why she is.

"Yeah ofcourse, all of us are coming."

"Great. So Amiee, I wanted to ask you-" Noah got interrupted by the voice of someone. Someone is me. I'm someone.

"Noah her name is Amadrya. Only people closer to her calls her Amiee so it would be good for both of us If you'll call her Amadrya." I said while Amiee left my hand. I don't know why. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable.

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