𝟏𝟑 : 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥

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I don't care if I fall in love with a devil until he will love me like he loves hell

We came out of the restaurant, I was with Edward behind my friends and Alaric was behind us.

I don't know why he doesn't like him. He is a nice guy and whatever happened inside the restaurant, I surely need an explanation to that.

He was keeping an eye on us, on Edward actually.

Edward drags me to the other side of the restaurant where a swimming pool was situated.

"Amadrya, see there" he pointed towards a wall which was half broken " you know there, used to be the house of the marquess, because the king didn't want him to serve the country anymore" he said

"But marquess is a nobleman right? And why did the king didn't want him to serve anymore" I asked curiously

"Not all marquess were of Royal blood Amiee. And there are alot of secrets hidden which I don't want you to find out honestly" he says.

"You know what, I love to explore and I will definitely find the secrets you are talking about, just wait and watch" we chuckled as I said those words

He began to show me some other things too, we were all alone, standing at the edge of the swimming pool.

I looked wherever his fingers were traveling as he was explaining me about this place

Suddenly, a hand from behind covered my mouth and kicked Edward. In no seconds he was inside the pool.

Whoever was that, he dragged me towards a corridor. It was really dark.

He pushed the door of a room and took me inside it. I can't ever see clearly, I tried to scream but the voice wasn't coming out of my throat

He left me and locked the door. I can't see anything properly but I can see a dark figure coming towards me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stepped back to escape myself

The wall was about to hit my back when the lights switched on

"Al....Alaric" my voice cracked between my words

"Shh don't cry, I am not doing anything" he wiped off my tears

"Why are we here, You know I am scared of dark" fear in my voice can be felt easily

"First of all, stop crying Mia Cara"

He interlocks in fingers with mine. And my back touched the wall.

I looked beside my head, my hands were placed beside and I can't even move.

I looked in front and he was just inches away, I could feel his warm breath touching my cold skin.

He came near my ears, his cheeks touched mine and that was enough to send shivers down my spine.

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