𝟐 : 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐞

200 87 10

She makes me feel hate, desire, anger, lust, and something even more dangerous - Love.

Wish I could've stayed home and spoked to Ema instead. Before you think anything wrong, let me clear your doubts. Ema Wagner. She is my sister. She got married like a month ago. And to be honest nobody knows about my family. My sister was the one who took care of me after our parents died in an accident. I don't even know how it happened.

We were in a bar. Adliee and her friends came to California, and they are staying at my place from past 3 days.

I enjoy the company of her friends. Especially of Theron, because we both exasperate Amiee. I mean Amadrya. I mean she is beautiful. But she is irritating as well.

I am sitting at the bar counter scrolling through my phone while all of them were dancing and drinking.

I clicked on the WhatsApp icon showing up on my screen. I pressed the contact named Naomi. My work assistant. I texted her to let her know that I'm not going to come to office for a few days. I need rest fuck it. I exited the Whatsapp. And took a glance over my shoulder where a hand was placed.

There they was. All of them looking like they need alot of sleep.

"Bro," Dylan said "We're going to home, can you look after Amiee because she's not ready to go with us rn"

"She wants to enjoy like look at her" Theron said while pointing the finger towards the dance floor

My eyes followed the direction of his finger where Amadrya was dancing like a pyscho. I've never seen her this energetic. She is drunk ofcourse. Why are they helding this responsibility to me???

"Let's go guys, he will look after Amiee I know him. Yeah thank you Alaric" Adlea said and they exited the bar without even letting me speak once.

I again looked at the dance floor. Amadrya was not alone now. Nor she was dancing. There was a blonde guy a little bit taller than her.

They were arguing on something I guess. I couldn't hear her voice but her actions indicated that she is really angry at this point. And BOOM. She slaped him. Really hard.
The music got stopped and everybody looked at them.

That's when I got up from my seat and moved towards them.

"Hey guys what's happening?" I said

"This bastard tried to kiss me, Alaric" Amadrya pointed at him

"How dare you" I was about to punch his face

"Dude, I was just asking to dance with her and then she slapped me" he said

"You liar, he came this closer to me"

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