𝟏𝟐 : 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲

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She is a woman and she use it, by bringing the most dangerous man to his knees.

"Hey Amiee"

"Oh Edward. It's nice to see you again." She hugged him

"We have met again. Let's have lunch together. So what do you think?" He mentioned

"No need. We don't have space for another person" I said to him

"Actually we have space for 2 other people Alaric" Amiee said

He passed by me and settled in the car. Oh God he's frustrating.

I don't like him at all like he wants things I like. He was close to Sofia. Now he is close to Amiee.

Why? Can't he just be away from my peoples. I know Amiee is my enemy.

And That's the whole fucking point, she is MY enemy. Not anybody else's.

And especially not of that person she met 2 days ago.

I saw something I was sure to see. Anger ran through my veins and I closed my finger due to frustration.

"Let's go Aric" Amiee whispered in my ears from behind

"I'm not in a mood to go anywhere. And surely I won't go with Edward, Amiee. Why did you say that there is space"

"Why are you getting angry, Alaric. Edward is a nice guy"

"Oh Amadrya, how do you know that he is a nice guy? Amiee see you don't know anything about him. You met him 2 days ago and I know him from years"

"Okay but just for now be with us. For me Aric, please"


She never pleased infront of anyone. And I specially don't want her to please infront of me

We held off to a restaurant near the palace. I got out of the car without even looking at anyone.

The guys with me walked towards the waiter who was showing people the seats.

Amiee and Edward was behind me. I can clearly hear them talk.

"Have you dated anyone before Amiee?" He asks her

"Yeah, but nobody stucks with me you know"

"Try me, miss Amadrya"

I roll my eyes back and focused on the surroundings.

The waiter took us to the table which was completely opposite to the restaurant.

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