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Giselle rolls up to Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair on her bike, stopping about a hundred yards away

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Giselle rolls up to Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair on her bike, stopping about a hundred yards away. She's been mulling over her approach the whole ride from Vegas. 

Should she just tell him straight up that she's here and doesn't give a damn if he accepts her or not? Or maybe play it cool, pretend she's just here to get her bike checked, and hope he's not around so she doesn't have to deal with the issue? Or just flip her bike around and ride off?

She's gotta figure something out quick, though, before they start thinking there's some stalker creepin' on them, and who knows what might go down then.

So, without overthinking it, she takes a deep breath, hops back on her bike, and cruises up to the entrance. There are at least four dudes standing there, none of them her old man, but probably his buddies for sure.

"Need a hand?" the girl takes off her helmet, scanning the place before locking eyes with the guy in front of her. He's a young guy, maybe a few years older than her, but not too much. Blue eyes, blond hair, the whole package.

"Uh... yeah," she gets off the bike, "Been on the road a while, and I reckon there's somethin' up with the transmission. Keeps makin' these weird noises and vibrations. Pretty sure if I take one more step with this bike, the chain's gonna snap clean off. Just need a simple fix," Giselle explains to the impressed guy, who's sizing her up with a smirk on his face "Guess you're into bikes, huh?" he said, giving her a once-over with a smirk.

Giselle raises an eyebrow. She's used to getting looks like that from dudes and usually brushes 'em off, but there's somethin' about this guy that's got her feelin' some kinda way.

"I know my stuff," she replies, tryin' to be as friendly as possible without playin' along with his little flirty game, "So, can you take a look?" The guy crouches down to inspect the bike, checkin' out the problem.

"You're right, another mile and that chain would've been toast. Should be a quick fix. If you've got a sec and the cash on ya, I can get it sorted right now," Giselle nods, lookin' at him.

"Alright, then. I'll get to work. You can wait over there," he says, pointing to a chair not too far away from where they're standin', "Or you can watch me work," he continues, tryin' to flirt some more. The girl gives him a half-smirk.

"I'll be fine over there, thanks," the guy tries to hide another smile as he goes to get to work. And as he does, he sneaks glances at the owner of the bike. Somethin' about her intrigues him. 

Maybe it's 'cause he's never seen her around Charming before, or the air of mystery surrounding her, or how she didn't fall for his attempt at charm. But somethin' about Giselle has got the future head of SAMCRO curious.


Not even 15 minutes had passed, and there's Giselle, sitting on the edge of her seat, chewing her lower lip with the anxiety of asking 'Blue Eyes' whether he knows her old man or not. And let me tell you, those 15 minutes felt like forever, with all four of the guys here glances her way, which Giselle, of course, couldn't miss.

|WILD RIDE| - Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now