4.Inner Struggle

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It's been like a month, and Giselle's life is going good here

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It's been like a month, and Giselle's life is going good here. Sure, things with her old man are moving at a snail's pace, but at least he's tossing a few words her way now. With the rest of the group, she's really clicked with Juice and Half-Sack; they're always teasing each other. Well, more like Juice and Giselle teaming up against Half-Sack, but it's all in good fun. Then there's Tig, always flirting away. Sometimes Giselle gives it back, sometimes she just brushes it off, but they've got a solid vibe. And Opie, he's like the big brother she never had, all protective and stuff...

And then there's Jax. He's always got this hint of jealousy whenever one of his brothers flirts with Giselle, but he tries to play it cool. 

But with him, it's different. These past few weeks have been rough for Jax at the club and especially with the whole kid situation, and Giselle's been there for him. They'd chill on the rooftop at night, beers in hand, just talking. Sometimes, they'd talk all night long.

With her, Jax felt free, even though she made it clear she didn't want to know about club business. Still, he could open up, knowing she wouldn't judge. He told her also that  ATF's keeping an eye on the club, so she's cautious.

But while Jax is open and honest with her, Giselle was more reserved about her own stuff. Jackson only knows she spent three years in the army, and that's about it. At first, he tried digging deeper into her past, but he figured out she was dead serious about leaving it behind, so he stopped pressing.

Anyway today's a big day in Charming. There's this fundraiser organized by Gemma, so Giselle took the day off.

"Hey, Ellie," Jax calls out, using that nickname she hates. Giselle rolls her eyes, seeing him approach. "I told you not to call me that," she says, playfully hitting his arm but still smiling. "And I told you I am not stopping," he replies, grin on his face. "So, everything ok?" she asks, noticing his expression. "Why wouldn't it be?" Jax tries to play it off. "Because if I've learned anything about you this past month, it's that when something's bothering you or you're deep in thought, you get this wrinkle on your neck ready to burst," Giselle says, amused.

"I didn't know that," Jax says, increasingly fascinated by her. She shrugs. "I'm a keen observer."

"You are," he whispers, not really answering her question. They keep smiling at each other like a couple of teenagers until a car pulls up beside them. "Sorry to interrupt, lovebirds," Gemma says, both of them turning to face her. "Sorry, son, but I need to steal your Old' lady for the fundraiser," Gemma says to Jax. 

For Giselle, it's become the norm for Gemma to call her Jax's Old' lady, even though she's denied it countless times. But Gemma doesn't seem to care. And Jax doesn't seem to mind the title.

"What do you need me to do?" Giselle asks. "Give me a hand with the organization," Gemma replies.

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?" Giselle says, hopeful. "Nope, hop in," Jax leans in close to her ear. "Good luck," he gives her a kiss just below her ear before stepping away. As he climbed onto his bike, Giselle shouted after him, "You too and be careful!" The wink he gave her before riding off made her smile. Giselle watches him for a moment before getting into the car. Turning to look at Gemma, she sees the smirk on her face. "And you say there's nothing going on," Giselle starts to retort but shuts her mouth, knowing she wouldn't change Gemma's mind.

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