7.Fight Club

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So, Giselle didn't end up going back home

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So, Giselle didn't end up going back home. Instead of heading straight to grab some food, she veered off, taking a detour down some isolated street, deciding to just be on her own.

The whole mix of anger, sadness, and guilt she's feeling right now, knowing she's hurt someone who's become so damn important to her, it's eating her up. And that's no good for Giselle.

It's getting dark by now, and she's been holed up in a bar for a good few hours, just knocking back drinks.

Giselle's got this weird thing where she doesn't get drunk easily, so it takes her a bunch of glasses just to get a buzz.

Back in the day, when stuff got her down or pissed her off, she'd throw herself into her work. Holding a gun in her hand and firing away was her way of letting off steam.

But now, she can't do that, 'cause she promised herself she'd never hold a gun again. So here she is, stuck in a bar, trying to find something that makes her feel less like crap.

Even though drinking doesn't seem to be cutting it—actually, it's just making her itch for a fight even more.

"Hey, wanna make some money?"

The girl, still focused on her drink, can't help but overhear the conversation of the two folks nearby.

"And how do you plan on doing that, huh?" the other guy asks. "There's a fight club not too far from here, you fight, we make some serious cash."

Fight Club. Of course, Giselle's heard of it. She's been to a few in Las Vegas, but never got in on the action herself.

An idea starts to float in her head. A pretty damn awful idea, but maybe it's the alcohol starting to mess with her or maybe it's what went down today with Jax, but joining in doesn't sound like a half-bad idea at the moment.

A simple way to blow off steam and try to clear her head. Plus, she needs something else to focus on besides the ache in her chest that won't quit. So, in this case, some physical pain might just be what she needs.

So, she decides to tag along with those two to the meetup spot.

Still a crappy idea, but in that moment, as she looks around seeing all these people and especially the fight going on right now, this seems like the answer to her problem. And tonight, she's gonna solve it this way.


As she approaches the bar, asking for a glass of water, she looks around trying to figure out how to play it. Right now, what she needs to do is find someone willing to bet on her so she can get into the fight.

So, she keeps scanning the room, looking for someone crazy or desperate enough to bet on a woman. After a couple of minutes of scanning, she spots him. A young guy who seems to be losing everything as he watches his man miserably losing the fight.

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