Author's Note⚠️‼️

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Hey lovies❤️
If y'all have been with me since the start. Y'alls will realize that the Title and the Cover of the book has changed.

First it was like this:

First it was like this:

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Now it's like this:

Reason is because I just realized that the way the story is going, it wouldn't match up to the title it was before but rather, it would match up to the description

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Reason is because I just realized that the way the story is going, it wouldn't match up to the title it was before but rather, it would match up to the description.
Fighting her past would have been more of her going to therapy. It would've been more violent and mysterious.

Living Off Past Trauma is more of her living her life in California with her besties and close friends. She already battled her trauma, and still is. She's in California because of the trauma but after a few years,  it finds it's way back to haunt her.  So basically the whole time as she's been living in  California, she's living 'off' her past trauma.


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