Take a chance on me (13)

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*Present time*

Kelly's POV

Still sat at Stella's grave I looked down at Ezra looking up at me as he listened to the shortened version of how me and his mom first met. When he spotted me looking down at him I saw his lips curl into a smile as I smiled back at him

"Your mommy would have loved you, you are all she ever wanted, straight after we got married she knew the next thing she wanted in life was you, well to be a mom, we're lucky because for many it takes years, but for us, it certainly didn't take long for you to come along, leaving your mommy with terrible morning sickness and very snappy with daddy" I say chuckling remembering the whole first trimester, the constant sickness and terrible mood swings that I couldn't seem to get away from.

One second she was happy the next crying, once I even found her crying in bathroom because I had put my towel over the top of hers that I didn't know she was drying and when she went for a shower her towel was damp and that just set her off completely, I had some grovelling to do so even though it was late at night I went out and found somewhere that was open to get her a chocolate brownie as that's what she craved a lot off. She was once again happy when I came back with my hands full of sweet treats. Although she couldn't enjoy them for long before she was befriending the toilet bowl again, seeing it all in reverse.

"right say bye to mommy, we will come and see her again soon" I say turning Ezra to Stellas head stone and waving his hand as he just wraps his fingers over my hand as I chuckle and place him back in his seat.

"Maybe when your a little older I will tell you all about how mommy became the best firefighter that Chicago had ever seen" I tell Ezra as he just coos up at me and plays with his hand.


5 months later

Ezra was now 6 months old, 6 whole months months, half a year, which also means it's been 6 months since Stella had passed away, it was round about now Stella said she would start thinking about going back to work, she wanted a long maternity leave to spend a lot of time with the baby, which I adored about her, as I knew how much she loved being a firefighter but watching her begin to love something more than that was wonderful to see. If only I got to see her fall in love with him more each day as much as I have.

I had took a long leave of absence from work after Ezra was born to focus solely on him and learning how to be a dad, a single dad, something I never imagined I'd have to do. So I only returned back to work last month after finding the perfect day care for Ezra at willow trees, they specialised in caring for infants of emergency services workers.

Since going back to work I started visiting Stella's grave less frequently but that didn't mean I didn't stop thinking about her, heck I probably thought about her more, especially being back to work, im still not used to coming back from calls and not having her there waiting for me to vent to, or her just wondering into my office to lie in my bed or to ask for my advice, I don't enjoy shifts as much as I used to. If it wasn't for Ezra my life would have completely faded to black and white, Ezra is now my only ray of sunshine and reason I kept going.

Today was Matts birthday and there was a surprise get together at Mollys for him, and literally 5 minutes before I was about to leave Ezra decided to projectile vomit his last bottle all over himself, so I quickly got him undressed and gave him a bath.

He kicked his legs splashing the water up at me getting me a little wet as he giggles I squeeze the water from the duck into his face as he startles and gasps as it takes his breath away, he sticks his lip out as I chuckle "oh that's not going to work with me...I learnt how to not give in when your mom used to give me that look all the time" I tell him as he starts to giggle at me talking to him.

How I met your mother - Stellaride AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now