A chance on fate (12)

408 12 5

1 Month later

Stella's POV

Same shit different day I guess, I was originally rota'd off for today but we had a couple of sick calls and uncle ray pleaded with me to help out and cover any areas that needed me.

And right now that was at the pool bar, it has been busy all day it's the start of the summer season so business has picked up a lot the past couple of weeks, as good as that is for my uncles finances, it has been hell trying to balance the stock every week.

Yesterday I reported the last month's total earnings and outgoings so I'm waiting for my uncle to find a fault with my calculations and come to find me to fix it as per usual.

I let Dylan and Hannah know I'm going on my break as I head inside to the staff room.

Once inside I turn the coffee pot on to make myself a strong coffee, whilst I wait for it to heat up I take out my phone and grin as I see Kelly's name once again written across my screen.

We have been talking none stop since he left here last month, he's kinda become my human haven, someone that's helped me when I e felt vulnerable and to forget about all my stress of work and my uncle.

There's been some joking, heart to hearts, daily check in and flirting, a lot of it, in many cases the flirting lead to some other things which I am not proud of but and never would normally do but he just has this allure that brings out a different side of me, and I'm not going to lie it's hot, this other side of me is sexy, and I love her. I love the stella I become whenever I talk to him, and I don't think there's a day that has gone by where he hasn't called or messaged me at least once.

I unlock my phone and look at Kelly's Message "what the hell, that's not right at all, you shouldn't feel like your being forced to work, everyone deserves a day off especially you, you seem to never stop working at that place, maybe I should just come and kidnap you, or would it be KIDDnap...get it...Kidd...your name" his text reads, as I chuckle, his jokes are so lame I have to laugh. His first half of the message was in response to my message after I told him I no longer had the day off and was pretty much told I didn't have an option but to work today.

I send an eye roll emoji in response to his joke first before I start typing a proper reply "you're not wrong with that one...beginning to think that's the only way I'll get out of this place at this point" I respond back to him as I put my phone away and start making my coffee.

I carry my mug over to the sofa as I sit down grabbing the remote to the tv and putting something on to watch whilst I'm in here for the next half an hour.

About 5 minutes later I feel my phone vibrate as I put my coffee down and take out my phone, smiling expecting it to be Kelly but groan and rolls my eyes as I see it was my uncle.

I open his message "fuck sake what for now" I say to myself as I read his message that said "my office...Now"

I grab my coffee and carry it with me as I head upstairs to his office.

I knock on his door and walk in, he looks up at me a lot of papers scattered around his desk as he brings them all together.

"I can kind of guess what you're about to say...which department this time? Pool bar? Restaurant? Entertainment hall bar?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Don't take that tone with me Stella, if you do it first time I wouldn't have to keep pulling you on it...but actually I haven't dragged you in here for that" he says as I look at him shocked.

He turns a file around and places it on the desk facing me "I was going through payroll and remembered the plumber you booked last month, I can't find him anywhere on our finance sheet, how did you pay him, cash? Cheque? Direct debit, I can't see anything for it anywhere why wasn't it recorded? You know full well we need to document every payment we can't risk his company making any false allegations that we never paid him" he asks me.

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