Only a drink (6)

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Stella's POV

It was something past 3 and I was sat at the reception desk doing a crossword when I heard a loud bang hit the glass doors in front of me I look up and see a group of 4 men, not any men but Kelly and his guy friends.

The bang on the door coming from Kelly as he walked into he glass I see him holding his nose as his friends hold him up, laughing at his expense. They must be intoxicated this is going to be fun.

I hear Kelly singing, I say singing it was more like shouting something at the top of his lungs as he keeps hold of his nose, I watch them actually open the door this time and walk in hearing Kelly's voice a lot louder and hearing him sing happy birthday

"happy birthday to meeeeee!" I hear Kelly singing as he holds both his arms up noticing the blood coming from his nose as I stand up and go over to the first aid box taking out some blue cloth.

I walk over to the 4 of them and hold the blue cloth up infront of Kelly "you took a nasty hit there" I say to him as he looks at me and smiles before pointing at me "it's come to wish me a happy birthday" he says slurring a lot.

"No, I came to help you clean the blood from your nose" I say bringing his hand to the blue cloth and guiding it to his nose as I help the guys move him back to one of the sofas in the lobby.

"'re an angel you know that, a beautiful Goddess angel" he says looking at me as I chuckle, ignoring him as I look at his mates "how much has he had?" I ask them as they all shrug "no more than the rest of us I don't think, although he was taking shots with a group of girls , he said he only had one but with how many I saw them bring on that tray I doubt it" one of the men say as I hear Kelly shush him as he removed the blue cloth from his nose "shh Matt she's not meant to know, she will get jealous" Kelly says putting his finger to his lips as he looks at the man that just spoke who must be called Matt.

I lift his hand back up to his nose to catch the blood.

"Otis, Cruz, you two get off to bed Ive got him from here, he will be fine after some water" Matt tells the other 2 guys "you sure?" They both ask as Matt nods.

They slowly walk away before heading upto the rooms.

"Want me to fetch him a glass of water" I ask Matt as he nods " stay with me, he can go" Kelly says pointing to Matt as I pass Matt the key for the office "through that door we have a water vendor go grab him a cup of water" I tell him as he takes the key and heads over to the office door.

I look down at Kelly, his eyes closing slightly as he smiles, he opens his eyes and looks at me "do you h...have" he pauses as he hiccups "have any idea how attractive you are" he says dropping his hand that's holding the cloth to his nose as he grabs my hand.

I sit beside him and sit him up a little more "no but I'm sure you're going to tell me" I ask him as I grab the cloth myself and hold it against his nose as he chuckles "you have a smile that's brighter than any summers day, damn it caught my attention the first time I saw you" he says lying his head back closing his eyes again as I chuckle at him.

Behind that Manslag player persona, he is actually quite sweet.

"I'd love to see your smile everyday for the rest of my life" he says as I pat his leg with my free hand "okay, lover boy less of that, someone's very drunk aren't they" I say chuckling as he opens his eyes and sits up looking at me I move my hand from his nose and see it's no longer bleeding.

"I might be drunk but they do say a drunk tongue speaks a sober heart, and I know my heart is telling me it wants you" he says pointing from his chest to mine.

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